Just a Note about Pseudonyms and Masks…

Kerodin posted a short piece on pseudonyms:

…Our Founders and Framers didn’t use them.

It reminds me of a quote from Jeff Cooper:

“I have been criticized by referring to our federal masked men as ‘ninja’ … Let us reflect upon the fact that a man who covers his face shows reason to be ashamed of what he is doing. A man who takes it upon himself to shed blood while concealing his identity is a revolting perversion of the warrior ethic. It has long been my conviction that a masked man with a gun is a target. I see no reason to change that view.”

Another viewpoint on this topic:

Is this what Seal Team 6 looked like?

This is what the Navy Seal team looked like when they went in to get Bin Laden (see above picture).

Absolute identity denial to protect their families.


The above picture of Seal Team 6 represents a recruiting picture for our country’s military. The masks are to protect the soldiers’ families. I can understand that. However, these masks also instill terror. Is this what our country is founded upon? And to what end? To have the pResident and vice pResident both betray these men? What would happen if I wore one of these masks in a shopping center?

I have no doubt that George Washington would never consider instilling terror into the enemy using the above tactics. How do I know? Read what he did to the Hessian soldiers who surrendered to him in Trenton. Even though these soldiers had shown no mercy on captured Continental soldiers. I recently read that a Fascist state has overwhelming support for the military. Again, our founding fathers showed us the proper role of the military and its use. They also gave us the 2nd amendment to protect us from the tyranny of the federal government and its improper use of the military. The same federal government which now classifies returning veterans as domestic terrorists.

Back to pseudonyms. Some of our forefathers used them to write the Federalist papers. The point is that if you cannot use your real name as you go through life, you are either a coward or you are living in fear of the consequences by the government. As Edward Snowden showed the world, the United States’ government is to be feared. Exposing illegal acts by the government is now treason. Now if I can just understand why the military is supporting this regime. Or if I can just understand why the people who are being targeted are not rising up as the level of tyranny continues to increase.

We all know that this country is about to undergo massive changes. Now is a good time to reflect upon how we want to live and how we expect our country to conduct its/our affairs. Do we want to instill terror or act with Sacred honor? Do we have the personal convictions to stand up or will we hide shadows. I understand that there will be consequences for those who do not use a pseudonym. I also understand that there is a higher judge who expects us to stand up for what is right. Once again, silence in the face of evil, is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. As we are already seeing in our country.

David DeGerolamo

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11 years ago

I use a pseudonym not to hide from the government, they know who I am, what I had for breakfast and when my last bowel movement was, I use it to keep my personal life away from the loonier elements of the online community both left and right.

Found this link in the comments of that sodahead article

11 years ago

They remind me of the masked Immortals of the Persian god-king Xerxes during the Battle of Thermopylae.

The Other Jack Walsh
9 years ago

Those are action figures in that picture.