Just Get On The Train

John Guandolo.

In the last week I have seen videos online, interviews on television, and personally experienced on numerous occasions people explaining to me that I must wear a mask “because it’s the rule/mandate/law.”

As we wrote about HERE, in America we are supposed to govern as a REPUBLIC, which means the majority rules while minority rights are respected. In order to do this, there must be a moral standard.

Only just laws can be legislated. No law can be legislated which violates the moral standard of “the Law of Nature and of Nature’s God” legally defined at the time of the founding as “the will of God” and “Holy Scripture.”

Therefore, telling someone they must do something immoral/unjust – something that harms them or infringes on their unalienable rights – per the moral standard “because it’s the law” or because “I’m just following orders” makes one no better than a Nazi gate guard.

I spent ten (10) years as an Advanced Capability Medic in the FBI, and a few years as an EMT prior to that in and out of the Marine Corps. I spent a lot of time in hospitals, on flight/trauma teams, and treated many patients in the U.S. and overseas, worked in surgery, and taught combat medical skills courses in the FBI.

Masks and other protective gear (e.g. glasses) are meant to protect the wearer from blood, vomitus, and other bodily fluids of the patients. Store bought surgical masks are not meant for preventing influenza virus from passing through them. Just read the box.

The cloth masks people are buying with funny pictures and sayings on them or the bandanas are even more useless. Like throwing sand through a chain-link fence, these masks do not stop the covid virus from passing through.

To say masks stop the spread of Covid-19 is a lie, and everyone with the capacity to process information knows it. See Dr. Fauci say it HERE.

The lockdowns and mask mandates are tools of oppression used by totalitarian statists to subdue the population. It appears to be working.

In the past week, I have taken the time to speak with several people who insist I wear a mask. From the grocery store manager, to the manager of a high-end Dallas restaurant, to the usher at church, to the TSA officer, they all say the same thing.

“It’s a rule.”

“It’s a mandate.”

“It’s church policy.”

Read More Here…

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4 years ago

Living here in Washington State under the dictatorial regime of Governor Komrade Inslee this article has never more hit home. The amount of sheeple that blindly go along with this non-law he decreed…which isn’t even a law as I and many others have pointed out continues to fall on deaf ears, both scares and frightens me. I have also pointed out that these store bought masks don’t stop the WuFlu and people look at me like I’m from Mars. I’m 44, soon to be 45 and have never been more afraid for what is left of our country and those that love it. I can see what’s coming and have been teaching my kids to be on the lookout as well.

Last edited 4 years ago by Tommiboi
Rabbi Will McCubbins
Rabbi Will McCubbins
4 years ago

Church policy. Compliant christianity like always. But I must admit synagogues are even more compliant. sheesh.

4 years ago

Agreed, I’ve lost count the number of believers that spout the line “we are to obey those in positions of power and pray for them.” It’s at that point I just wish them well and have to walk away

4 years ago

I agree 100%. My shul, everyone is aquiver over even questioning the mask mandates. A short anecdote if I may:
I was talking with the mother of my older’s BFF, and she was “Got to pull your mask up”! I questioned it.
“Over a quarter of a million area dead already”! How do you know this?
Wide-eyed look. “It’s on the news”! Was it people who died FROM covid or merely WITH covid, like the roofer who fell 40 feet but it was put down as a covid death?
They disengaged from the conversation.

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

One of my favorite quotes:
“If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction.”― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
tags: christianitypessimism
Read more quotes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer

4 years ago

Georgia has No State Gov Mandate to wear a mask; Yet the Sheeples overwhelmingly Do Wear Them.
This Country is a Dead Zombie staggering. That’s just on an insignificant mask. Then there is the matter of an Illegally Installed Feral Government.
Yeah, Just Get on the Train, Most americans have already boarded,

4 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

Just boarded? Hell…half are shoveling the coal into the engine!

Last Stand
Last Stand
4 years ago

Just wondering re the author. Th eMarines don’t have medics or EMTs. The Navy provides corpsmen for the Marines.

Last Stand
Last Stand
4 years ago
Reply to  Last Stand

Excuse me. I meant the Marines, not the eMarines. Did the author mean to say he was with the Army instead? Nonetheless , I don’t disagree overall with his opinion on what is going on currently.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago
Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
4 years ago

Thank You. 💥💥💥💥💥👍