Just So You Know

The government will pass firearm control legislation. How do I know? The weasels are actually working on Sunday. Just so you know: both North Carolina senators are supporting this legislation to ensure a filibuster will not be successful.

David DeGerolamo

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2 years ago

They did pass it with enough votes to stop the filibuster.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

When I write them I start every
e-mail “I know you are a Rino but…”

Axel P
Axel P
2 years ago

We need to ignore them. Carry on like nothing happened.
NY passed an “assault weapon” registration law. Inthink they had three hundred registrations out of 2 million estimated AR’s in the state.

Continue as if they have done nothing.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Axel P

i know longer even think of them as my government. Of course i never really did.

2 years ago
Reply to  Axel P

screw them an there illegal phony and fake Laws they just passed, ignore it and purchase more ar-15’s and if you can purchase more ammo until it reaches your ceiling

2 years ago

Yep, it passed with the aid of 10 rino’s. Includes consideration to states that institute “Red flag laws” Another ten names to add to the ever growing list.

2 years ago

I am of the opinion that things are going to pop sooner rather than later. This list of congress critters and Senators should be kept close by for reference. They will each need to be placed on trial and executed for treason. They should also be made aware of that fact.

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Yes, short-fall hanging. Both of them. Hell, all of them.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago

Again RINO globalist zionist open border clot shot supporting gun grabbling big taxing Obama Care supporting election fraud denier Texas Senator John Cornyn III from Tyler, Texas led the Pilgrim Society communist RINO republicans in joining with the communist democrats in voting for the terrible gun grabbing bill. Texas Senator John Cornyn III prides himself in being a former judge, however, he has never read the US Constitution and he also has never read the Bible. He is a traitor to America and Texas. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!

2 years ago

I caught the US Festival last night and THIS song got my attention.
It did wonders for a sour mood I found.

For my “Older” Friends. Enjoy…
For the Yoots, sorry …you’ll just never know.



A retired live audio engineer

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago

These two senators are traitors to the constitution. Playing ball with the left is grounds for the gallows in my book. Burr decided to take a shit on America before retiring on his millions. Tillis is political erectile dysfunction.

Hank Thompson
Hank Thompson
2 years ago

I’m keeping my AR and my backbone, no matter what.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

Why do we need the federal government at all? At the best, they need to have NO access the $ ever, have NO perks including retirement & healthcare; be held criminally guilty if they become millionaires while in office; and serve “at will” to their state meaning they can be recalled without a drawn-out legal process when they go against the interests of their constituents. Why do we need these people and their bureaucracy?

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

I agree with you, we do not need the federal government. There is nothing that a competitive free-market cannot provide. That includes policing, roads, education, medical care and border protection etc…. If you think about it; what does federal government provide? Well, onerous taxes without representation, indoctrination schools, open border, economy killing anti-free market laws and regulations, medical tyranny, confiscation of private property, mentally ill transgender policies, anti-hydrocarbon energy policies, anti-self defense laws, anti-Christian, anti-white race and lots of insanity. Woke is broke just like the federal leviathan. Who is John Galt? TEXIT!