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- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on No More NGO Invasion Funds
- kal kal on Two Questions
- kal kal on Trump on FAA Diversity Requirements
Well, why stop there? Why not just use the whole eFFing alphabet?!!!!
We are so fooked. They will certainly be attracting the cream of the crop. It’s a feature, not a flaw.
I’ll second that motion with an upchuck.
Remember when it was just Queers?
I’m really glad they added the letter “A”. I really felt bad about the fact that my specific “romantic identity” was being left out. Please understand, I just can’t seem to help myself. With each passing day, I find myself becoming coming more and more of an “Anarchy-loving” kind of guy. I’m totally in love with the idea.
I’m sure there are millions upon millions more out there who identify as I do. And we, too, demand our rights!
Queer is queer, Lesbo is Lesbo. These people just shop around for another term to hide their shame. How about cow, horse, dog, or lizard?
Whatever happened to just plain homosexuals. I refuse to describe these bastards as anything else. HOMO’s they are.
Now Officially part of the Sex Cult.
FBI MAP adherents
Mock them at every turn.
I did a search for “office of diversity and inclusion.” The list of results goes on and on and on; government departments, universities, etc.,.
The federal government is bankrupt, and many state and local governments are bankrupt or on the verge of going into bankruptcy. America’s economy is collapsing daily right in front of our eyes. Inflation is going through the roof. Millions of American families are suffering terrible economic deprivation and financial hardship. How many billions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars are being squandered nationwide on these worthless, bullshit “offices of diversity and inclusion?” To hell with every damned one of them.
The End is near.
I second that Jane, nearer than we all think!!
Graphic Video: Senate Staffer Caught Filming Gay Sex Tape in Senate Room And security was provided by fbi.
No surprise here. J.Edgar was a homosexual but, in that era, was savvy enough to not be flamboyant about it. Today’s deviancy among their ranks--and in our FedGov at large--is just Phaggggggottry seeking the shelter of Power.
Exactly true.
National Security | Evil White Guy
Most of the deviant lifestyles of the Alphabet People are evolutionary dead ends. They are one-generation phenomena.
In short, no offspring.
The reason that they do not die out within their individual lifetimes is due to their ultimate perversion: they recruit from young & impressionable normals who are attracted and often coerced into participating in the ‘new, bright shiny thing.’
If these deviants were true to themselves and their “core beliefs” they would be gone from society at the end of their lifespans.
I wish them happiness within their bounds. What I do not accept is the rubbing of their deviancy into my face at every turn, their core mission (besides the hedonistic seeking of momentary pleasures), to try to convince we normals--and themselves--that they are equally normal to us but just have alternate avenues of travel.
No, they are not “the same, but different.” When their militancy crosses the line by demanding special treatment from government, and when they seek to taint and co-opt our young, that’s when they become an abomination.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
@takeahardlook. At one point I laughingly agreed with you. But with Buttplug and his “husband” grotesquely leading the way, the Zulocks pimping their adopted sons, recent sodomite couple discarding 10 prior embryos to get their “ideal” son (always seem to be sons) and poor or useful idiot surrogates, I am not so certain.
True, there are exceptions. But it is some comfort to know that--excepting those abominations you cited above--the great majority of these individuals will pass from this world unmourned by any progeny.
Children are our LifeLine into the future. Those of us fortunate enough to have real children have purchased a bit of immortality.
To those without biological progeny, at least adopt or mentor some young people; that way, you are doing some good for a new generation and maybe will be fondly remembered.
Well, J Edgar Hoover would certainly approve