Justice Clarence Thomas Just Asked His First Question In A Decade

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas asked several questions during oral arguments on Monday — the first time he has done so in more than 10 years.

“If there are no further questions,” the federal government’s attorney, Ilana Eisenstein began, after answering questions from the other justices.

“Ms. Eisensten, one question,” Thomas said. “This is a misdemeanor violation. It suspends a constitutional right. Can you give me another example where a misdemeanor suspends a constitutional right?”

The back-and-forth lasted for roughly five minutes, with Thomas asking several questions.

“You’re saying that recklessness is sufficient” to result in a “lifetime ban on possession of a gun,” Thomas said. “Which, at least as of now, is a constitutional right.”

“In these cases, did any of the petitioners use a weapon?”

Eisenstein responded that they had not.

“So again, the suspension is not directly related to the use of the weapon,” Thomas said.


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9 years ago

just like a good schill card carrying member SPLC Bolshevik female jew to ask questions about gun rights and how to remove them even under misdemeanors, but dont trample on the rights of the first amendment that hurts her freedom of speech to trample on gun owners rights. oh no, only the second amendment has the right to be trampled on, Someone needs to remove this scum khazar jew from her misery. All she is doing is toting the obama anti gun agenda with no care at all about rights and the Constitution.