The Congressional Black Caucus, civil rights lawyers and Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) denounced Justice Antonin Scalia on Thursday for what they said were racist and insulting comments in which he suggested some black students might be better off in a “slower-track school” rather than at a more competitive university.
“It is deeply disturbing to hear a Supreme Court justice endorse racist ideas from the bench of the nation’s highest court,” Reid said on the Senate floor. “The only difference between the ideas endorsed by [Donald] Trump and Scalia is that Scalia has a robe and a lifetime appointment.”
Reid calls everyone a racist,bigot,homophobe,Islamaphobe,extremist,domestic terrorist,ammosexual,gun nut,gun crazy,and whatever else he can come up with on short notice.
Then there’s the fact that Scalia is sort of right-there’s a lot of kids who are only in these colleges because they attempted fill a quota so the campus is “diversified”,there’s kids of all races-other than white- who are there in similar circumstances-they were used to fill a quota,not admitted due to test scores.
All the kids who were admitted to state run colleges/universities just to fill a quota need to be tested,and moved to another school if needed.
Test scores matter,and only the best and brightest are supposed to be in our state colleges/universities,send the kids who do not have high enough test scores to a smaller,slower paced school,or send them to a community college.
That’s how Scalia is right-he could have worded that one a little different to pacify the PC crowd,and the way he said may have appeared to have been racist to some-but if you calm the f*ck down and look into the mater-you will see that he’s right.
The man is not a moron,he’s educated-with no idiotic classes like women’s studies,gender studies,climate studies,sexual identity studies,etc.
Only prob here is that he was QUOTING from another case. Which means, as usual, Reid the ass*ole proves he is too stupid to walk down a set of stairs.