‘Kamala started out as Willie Brown’s bratwurst bun’…


And the communist want her to be President? If you are wondering how low they will go, there is no boundary.

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

If Camel-Toe becomes the POTUS we’re screwed!

3 years ago
Reply to  x-beast

Gosh, I hope not. I would have to bag her first; and even then……

3 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

That’s called a Two-Bagger. One on your Head, in case the other one falls off.
But this One, I wouldn’t let my Horse do it, with Double Rubbers…

3 years ago

Kamel-Hoe is not eligible to even hold the office of VPrez. To hold either the office of the Prez or VPrez, the Constitution states that you must be natural born. Note it did not say native born (born on US territory).
A natural born citizen is one whose parents were themselves US citizens at the time of birth. This understanding is stated in a few Supreme Court cases but the specific meaning of the term has never been put before them to make a formal ruling.
Both of KamelHoe’s parents were immigrant students in the US on student visas. They were not citizens at the time of her birth. Her Mother never became a citizen, but it is reported that her father became a citizen when she was an adult.
BTW, Rubio, Cruz and Nikki Haley are also ineligible because their parents were not citizens at the time of their birth. Rubio’s Cuban refugee parents became citizens when he was four. Cruz’ father became a citizen after Cruz was an adult. Cruz was born in Canada.
Look it up. It is in our Constitution……

3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

Doesn’t matter. The Constitution is null and void. It was stomped and pissed on a long time ago. Your new regime makes the rules now. They will refer to the Constitution only if it benefits them. Most people don’t understand the Constitution and couldn’t care less as long as they have their beer and sportsball. You are talking of something that once was but is no more.

Patrick Henry
Patrick Henry
3 years ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

If born on US soil. Military base overseas, US flagged ship, she is an American citizen. It has been coded into US law. “ Jus Soli” . Right of the soil.That’s why so many illegals want their children born here after crossing our border illegally.

3 years ago

Also dated Montel Williams. Can’t remember if I saw it here at the time but photos are out there.