Kay Hagan – Why North Carolina Needs a Recall Mechanism

Kay Hagan has been a disappointment for North Carolina since her inauguration. It is hard to tell whether Gov. Perdue or Hagan is more supportive of the Obama agenda. North Carolina desperately needs a means to recall politicians who have abandoned their constituents in favor of political advancement. The following letter shows her ignorance of Agenda 21 or more likely, her attempt to divert attention from this plan.

David DeGerolamo


Description: Letterhead

     June 7, 2012

Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting me regarding Agenda 21. I appreciate hearing your thoughts on this important issue.

Drafted in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Brazil, Agenda 21 is a non-binding plan to encourage nations to use fewer resources and conserve open land.

I do not agree with claims that Agenda 21 is a conspiracy to deny property rights and send people toward cities. Agenda 21 is not legally binding and only offers policy guidance to governments that want to promote sustainable development and reduce pollution.

While there is no legislation pending before the Senate related to Agenda 21, I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind should any such legislation be considered in the future.

Again, thank you for contacting my office. It is truly an honor to represent North Carolina in the United States Senate, and I hope you will not hesitate to contact me in the future should you have any further questions or concerns. If you would like to stay informed on my work in the Senate, you can sign up for my e-newsletter, follow me on Twitter at @SenatorHagan, or visit my Facebook page.


Description: Signature

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