Keep on Voting

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1 year ago

Mr. Mar states inclusion is the only way. How was the woman with Down’s syndrome chosen amongst other Down syndrome afflicted people? Inquiring minds want to know.

1 year ago

Makes sense to me. When the whole government has gone full retard, you send in your retard.
Coming this fall: Corky Goes to Washington.

1 year ago

It’s entirely possible that none of the elections in Western Civilization have been on the level. CIA has a lock on the voting business.

Tim Bo
Tim Bo
1 year ago

Puppets that can be controlled (Biden, Fetterman). But give yourself a hug because it’s sooooo incluuusive and doesn’t just make you feel sooo good inside.

1 year ago

I have known some Down’s Syndrome adults. Some were very engaging, some were very childlike in their trust of whatever they were told. Most were wonderful examples of God’s blessings even upon those afflicted with these limitations.

I did not ever think any could discern complexities or learn complicated tasks, such as flying a small airplane. Their limits made them vulnerable, they knew it and they responded to one’s questions and concerns with love, pure and simple.

They were lessons in humility and love. Touching….

Having spent many years among Native Americans and having been accepted as a confidant and friend, I have seen that their culture looks upon these “different” people as gifts from GOD. That does not mean they worship the Down’s Syndrome person in their midst, or who come into their circle. It is different. They recognize that these different ones are gifted in ways that the rest of us are not. These gifted ones see the world through different eyes and motivations that help distill man’s existence into more simple understanding that ALL LIFE has a place and must be protected to reveal to others the beauty within.

My son and family live in Madrid…. His 17th year. Two Gchildren, dual citizens, dual languages. I am not shocked that this has happened in Spain.

Spain has a very open attitude toward their disabled. The national lottery is run by ONCE, a corporation composed of and run by disabled…. Blindness, deafness, Down’s Syndrome, and others. You walk the streets and see kiosks run by ONCE selling lottery tickets and the person in the booth is blind, or otherwise obviously disabled.

Spain may not be the best nation regarding treatment of its disabled, but I know of none better.