A very large number of the Somali refugees arriving in the US come from camps, like Dadaab, in Kenya. If Kenya goes through with closing the camps this time (they threatened it a year ago, but they look more serious now), you can bet we will be expected to take even more!
We are taking Somalis at the rate of 750 a month right now, see here.
Before you read the story, visit the State Department Data base here and then click on this:
You will see that Kenya is our second highest processing country. We don’t take Kenyans so surely most of these are Somalis from camps there. The top three processing sites in the world all involve Muslim ‘refugees.’
I believe we have seen the consequences of what only one Kenyan Muslim can do.
David DeGerolamo
The flip side of that coin is what 53% of brainwashed, spoiled, entitled, low information idiots sucking on the teat of their forefathers blessings (of course they don’t realize that) can allow.
Put one Kenyan Muslim and a majority idiots together and its heads the Republic loses and tails the Republic loses.
We need a new coin!