President Obama’s top diplomat is traveling to Nigeria on Friday for the inauguration of the Muslim former military dictator whose successful presidential election campaign benefited from the efforts of a consultancy founded by President Obama’s strategist David Axelrod.
The White House last week announced that Secretary of State John Kerry would represent Obama at the “inauguration of His Excellency Muhammadu Buhari, President-elect of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”
By contrast, Obama sent the then-Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Johnnie Carson to the inauguration of outgoing President Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian, in May 2011.
what a disgusting fraud this screwball is.
More proof that Obama sides with the Islamist over any and all others.
The traitor need to go and only an armed insurrection can effect that outcome.
yup,only a civil war can now change this mess our treasonous leadership have foisted on all of us, they are greedy power seeking maggots.
We will probably get two wars in one -- domestically we will get a counter-revolution, while internationally we will face the beginning of the perpetual War of the Triad -- the three-way war between Russia, China, and the US, which will usher in the final times before the Judgment of the World.
at least you are aware as to what there doing in the obongo hell hole, the majority are still in a stupor of hope and change , while the cities are burning and being looted, but they still support the monkey boy man