Kill Grid Countdown – A special interview with Steve Quayle and Mike Adams

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2 years ago

Every time I want to write “take heed” I think about all the other misguided statements these two have made, usually with great hysterics, over the years. I do believe this is a matter of import, however, in spite of the messengers. If you’re not sure where we are headed, or how “hard you should prep”, or if you know anybody that needs a little more red pill, this vid might be a good place to start.

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

The scriptures state in the last days events are coming upon the world that would have men’s hearts failing them for what is coming upon the earth, either it be Natural or manmade. I believe what God says, the events are here now and multiplying daily before our eyes. The dreadful day of Gods return is almost upon us, and for the unsaved it will be a day of tremendous Horror and trembling. But it will be a glorious day for Gods elect to see him coming upon the clouds of glory. but before that day we must go thru the fire so to speak and be refined as gold as Written in the book of Zachariah. The events these two speak of are happening and will continue to happen unabated. Sometimes it’s not good to tear down the messengers, but it’s our duty as Gods elect to ferret out what is fact and fiction. Even many who are not saved are beginning to see things which they cannot explain but know are occurring, and those events are worrisome to them, but since they are not spiritual in nature nor have the holy spirit in dwelt in them, they are very much confused because they are looking at the world thru man eyes and not a biblical worldview. God says in the last days your old and young will have dreams and visions of what is happening, but not all will have this gift even in the church.

Last edited 2 years ago by Philip
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Philip

i do get sick of the fear mongering. i believe there are issues and True things to be in fear of. Warnings. Many seem to be missing the True warnings from above.
Saved by fear? Fear of man, or fear of Yahuah.
Not sure if it matters. Perhaps if people fear each other and government enough it will cause people to seek out the True savior.
And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

To be close to God, you must worship him in Spirit and truth as Christ instructed us, this is what matters. God has related to his elect in the scriptures of the events that will take place right before his return, anyone who disregards this would be at their own peril. We are called as watchmen on the Wall as written in Ezekiel, and for us to not take this seriously is dangerous for us all. We will have to account for God of why we never gave the warning out when we knew of the impending doom coming. Wouldn’t we even warn our own families if we saw an impending storm coming to seek safety, of course we would.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Philip

Agree. if we do not give warning blood is on our hands.

2 years ago

Mike Adams; the guy who called everyone in Oklahoma who doesn’t have a storm shelter stupid. Mr. fear porn, herbal pill selling snake oil salesman and his hippy boomer sidekick. No thanks.

2 years ago
Reply to  Hedge

Exactly. He takes some truth and ramps it up with hyperbolic rhetoric and sensational titles to his videos (can you say “click-bait”). The same with Steve Quayle. Might as well throw Michael Snyder in the barrel with them too — and Dave Hodges and Hal Turner.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  brewer55

Shame isn’t it? One big sales pitch anymore…sat phones and collagen supplements.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  brewer55

Ah yes, Dave Hodges. Years ago he said not “if” but “when” the Oroville Dam collapses……. imagine the fear in folks that lived in that area. Now with weather warfare, there’s almost no water in that dam.

2 years ago

I always heard Quayle was a govt shill…so

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

This video was excellent. Hopefully, it will wake up many more Americans to the danger posed by the NWO globalists.
I make it a point to never criticize anyone on my side who is trying to stand for truth, justice and liberty, no matter how I feel about them personally. Our enemies on the left do a much better job supporting one another than we do. That is why they’re winning. Shouldn’t we do the same for our own?
In the video, Mike Adams and Steve Quayle are rightfully attacking our common enemies who are the evil, godless globalists. So the way I see it is this: the enemy of my enemies is my friend. And since I’m not perfect, like my Father in heaven is perfect, then I don’t expect absolute perfection from my friends either.
United we stand, but divided we will most certainly fall. Let us all fight the good fight and save our ammunition for our real enemies.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

Seems like part of the reasons we got to this place is our going along to get along attitudes.
Becoming yes men for the sake of unity has many problems from my view.
No one wishes to reprove anyone.