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2 years ago

the entire government is bad fruit with rotten senators and congressman , and the bureaucracy is rotten from top to bottom.what happens the rot begins to eat at them and they self destruct themselves as we are witnessing. Our two puss bag senators are both a depraved lot of two reprobate stink bags, they are traitors to there elected postions we put them in. these two rotten rino democrat puss bags will go down in nc history as the traitors they always were and who sold out there nation and bought into the demcratic party liars and Marxists. i declare these two s-bags are marxist communists now.

2 years ago

I know as a boomer, I failed with my kids, I tried hard, oh well.

2 years ago

I wish I could argue with his logic but I can’t. I watched in courdelene today as the cops bullied preachers and forced them to leave because the homosexuals were celebrating their pride. Did you ever see a cop bully a homo for standing against the godly ? Nope ! Me neither. Globohomo is in control . Submit or die .

strider 777
2 years ago

Yes, his analogy of what has happened to our country is right on point.
It reminded me of The Parable of the Weeds (Matthew 13:24). It, too, is a pretty good description of what has happened to America.