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- Noway2 on What a Waste of Our Government
How’s Bath-House-Barry 3.0 working out for ya?
The true believers of woke Amerika (spelling intentional) don’t need this speech. They are already the mini tyrants the “Karens” than badgered folks about COVID ENJOYING their newfound Power of marching in lockstep with the Dear Leader Faci and Co.
Speaking facts like there is NO Mention of Democracy in the Constitution nor the Bill of Rights is like screaming at the sky. USELESS.
Even WORSE gives those mini tyrants better targeting data against those Ultra Maga Others that need to be controlled and eliminated.
The direct reverse of Grey Man, folks. Stop it.
The rest of America (spelling intentional) those that make this REPUBLIC function are not so easily buffaloed into accepting such a well-crafted Teleprompter speech.
Hopefully they don’t deceive themselves that it’s not a direct declaration of war against anybody that doesn’t support the stolen election and the woke ideology.
I hope you took notes of those mini tyrants as they will happily betray you to the Powers that Be for some small reward. Given the food-energy issues plainly running into We the People they will probably be offered a “Share” of whatever taken from the betrayed.
Be honest with yourself, all of us have “Karens” in our circle, I suspect most of us have them in our families. 30 pieces of silver ring a bell?
Betrayal it’s a thing. It’s a basic tool used by tyrants and secret police.
Protect your families, they are the basics of civilization.
Steve Bannon Swatted at DC Home for Second Time on Same Night Joe Biden Declares War Against MAGA Republicans This country is now a communist sh##thole, they have declared war on half the country.
Ol’ Poopypants saying exactly what the gay kenyan, valerie jarrett, susan rice and gunrunnin’ eric holder have programmed him to say.
This is nothing new, the gay kenyan said this for 8 years a little more subtly.
The purpose of this threat is to motivate and promote his voters into acting on the big guys behalf also letting them know this admin will have their back in the legal realm. The same way the feds authorized the behavior of Antifa.
This is more of a starter gun than a dog whistle.
Absolutely it is.
President Biden (on behalf of Satan) delivers a primetime speech on the continued battle for the SOUL/s of the nation.
he related to all us Americans exactly how the wicked satanic demonrat party feels about conservatives, Republicans and Christians. and these people believe they will go to battle against us physically and murder 150 million of us with no one picking up a weapon to even fight against them, then what the heck is the second amendment good for if the people won’t use it on these satanic beings and bring an end to them in our nation for once and for all.
Gorilla School
ranges are packed on weekdays!