Know Your Enemy!

“If you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.” Sun Tzu

Perhaps I underestimated our readers here at NCRenegade this week.

There were many people upset with some of my postings.

It isn’t good for us to ignore what the enemy is doing. It isn’t good to ignore what the enemy thinks of us. It isn’t good to ignore the enemies actions. It isn’t good to just read and view points of view from our side.

These next couple of months are going to be real interesting.

Better to know your enemy than not.


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Tom Winslow
Tom Winslow
5 months ago


Joe Blow
Joe Blow
5 months ago

Well said!
Your skin will need to be thick as ever in the coming months. Not only because this is the internet, but you have to know you have a target painted on you.
I agree with this post as well. While I recoiled at some of the statements I heard in that video posted that had a leftist bent, it was still worthwhile to listen to. It shows you what that side is thinking, and how they got there. It shows you what that side believes we are thinking, and how we got there (frankly I was surprised at how even-handed it was in portraying the right).
If people are unwilling to expose themselves to foreign thoughts and idea’s, then they’re no better than the progs we face on the other side. Be open to idea’s you don’t agree with. Who knows, it may change your mind! Better yet, if you understand where your enemy is coming from, maybe you will be better able to change theirs! If all we do is act like monkey’s flinging poo at each other, well, then there’s no point to dialog and all hope is lost!
If you’re not willing to engage in discussion, honest to good faithful discussion, we will get no-where. I often complain that leftists do not think for themselves but act as NPC’s who repeat whatever propaganda they heard last. How are we any different if we’re not willing to engage the material and have a debate about it?

5 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

I want to be where the Truth is (or as close to Truth as can be determined by us flawed humans). If that means I have to move, I move. E.g.:
Thought Splinters (Part 4) – Granite Grok
The critical thing to understand, IMHO, is that so many people have tied their view of themselves as good/intelligent/educated/noble/etc. people to specific beliefs (e.g., Saving the Planet from Climate Change). To present information that challenges that threatens that view of themselves as those thing.
One thing though. Is it a debate or an argument. I saw this somewhere and really liked it.
Debate: Where one talks through something to determine WHAT is right.
Argument: Where one talks through something to prove YOU are right.
Carl Sagan had it pegged:

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
5 months ago

Very well said, as usual!

5 months ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

If you believe I have one thing in common with the commies & shitpackers…You are wrong and I mean absolutely wrong! Evil is evil and your listening to evil and trying to find common ground is misguided/ignorant! You are part of the problem…low testosterones, I suppose! Listening & compromise ended when the shitpackers & commies came after the children! You might want to prepare for civil war & pray it doesn’t come!!!

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
5 months ago

It’s more important to know your friend. If you don’t know Jesus Christ, all is lost, forever.

5 months ago
Reply to  Pastor Guest

Thank you, deeply true. I think we all need more work in the Lord’s department. Myself especially. Have found that most left scoff at the Bible,don’t believe in anything but themselves,will give of their riches but only if recognized,wish to control,maybe believe in Jesus but as their buddy or boyfriend. Many are nice people but are on the fence. Speaking from a biblical perspective will move some off the fence to a better place but only shortly. I don’t believe they would have your back. Scripture speaks of shaking the dust off your feet and leave the house of those who don’t hear. This is troubling . The enemies tactics are often the same,yet most won’t see- are the ignorant enemies as well?

5 months ago


tom finley
tom finley
5 months ago

All those recent posts were excellent Wes, I have one in particular that quacks on most of my comments, pay no attention to them.

Ted P in NC
Ted P in NC
5 months ago

This is in reference to the leftist video posted earlier. We who have/ are studying out the enemy carefully, already know their stated beliefs. You are preaching to the choir.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
5 months ago
Reply to  Ted P in NC

With great respect, I would concur with this. I do not require further analysis of what the ‘other side’ is thinking, doing, or on about. They have made their intentions clear and present, and further elaboration is not necessary.
I get it. Loud and clear.
What remains, is for each of us to determine our comportment when those things of which the left speaks, finally come to our doors.
There are those who will say, ‘But by then, it’s too late! Better to fight them over there, than to wait until they are over here!! Make your voices heard!!!”
Yes. Perhaps twenty or thirty years ago, this was the correct approach. And, twenty or thirty years ago, we were out there…making our voices heard.
It achieved nothing, except to buy the time we have had since then to prepare for what any thinking person will recognize as inevitable.
Now is the time to be cold, calculating, and patient. Time to be silent, swift, sure, and purposeful. Focused. Determined. Discreet.
Soon, here in Canada, what I have just wrote will be an indictable offence carrying a severe penalty upon conviction. For now, I will say what I need to say.
God Bless America, and good luck.

5 months ago
Reply to  Ted P in NC

stick to your guns!!
I myself sent since 2020, about 12 people to this site. None had any awareness of the situation. They need accuracy and situational awareness. That is our shared Duty! Educate. Inform. Maybe Ted should start his own place to “preach” his gospel to his own choir!

G-d bless preserve and prosper you and yours sir!

5 months ago

Sun Tzu and Christ do not have anything in common. Come out from Babylon and be separate. Only those who receive the love of the truth will overcome the deception that is of Satan.

5 months ago
Reply to  JeffM

Oh I beg to differ. Jesus Christ being God become man, had the knowledge of everything and everyone. So his reactions/actions were driven by that of course, perfect in all ways.
We do not have that to depend on so we must use whatever God given gifts we have received/learned/been taught, etc.
That is all that people like Sun Tzu are saying. Use your God given skills to the best of your ability.
As Proverbs 22:3 says, A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.
So, in reality Sun Tzu is merely following that Proverb, not intentionally of course. 🙂
It’s prudent to pay attention, not obsess, just pay attention.

a follower
a follower
5 months ago

Yes, knowing your enemy is101.

One Pissed Marine
One Pissed Marine
5 months ago

I was taught these wise words as well:
‘Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet.’ …and “Engage your brain before you engage your weapon.” General James Mattis, USMC

5 months ago

I bet that Marine DIDN’T Call ahead and warn his enemies”.

Yet we constantly forget the Shut-Up part of the 3 “S”.

Know yourself. Keep braggers OUT of your trust circle.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
5 months ago

Wes, continue to fight the fight of posting. It helps to be informed and provokes critical thinking.
“Keep your friends close and your enemies closer” states by Sun Tzu, a Chinese military general, strategist, and philosopher

5 months ago

The next four months are going to be very interesting. If folks don’t have enough stored up to get through this period, they probably won’t come out on the other side. This is how serious the next four months will be. Could be your last four months on this planet. Brace yourself.

5 months ago

Eastern part of Libya has shut down all oil production. A major war is ready to start in and around the strait of Hormuz. The Houthis have nearly shutdown the Red Sea. What could possibly go wrong? Very little oil may be getting delivered soon. Are you ready?

5 months ago
Reply to  Nobody

Uh, what about the oil here in Amerika? I believe when Mr. Trump was POTUS, we were pumping enough of our own oil to take care of business. I know gasoline prices were a lot cheaper. Anytime there is an economic vacuum, someone or some group finds a way to fill it. Let Europa and Londonistan freeze to death. When a situation gets desperate for products needed for survival, no amount of Birkenstock-wearing, man-bunned, wire-rimmed glasses-wearing whiners are going to be listened to. Bleib ubrig.

5 months ago

I know we have oil. The rest of the world is dependent on oil from the ME. We are part of the world economy. It goes down, we go down.

5 months ago

The video was worth watching. I put it in yesterday while engaged in a semi mindless task at work. The typical reader here is not the intended audience of their work. Rather it is targeting the average, less aware, fence sitter that still believes in and pays attention to the media. Unfortunately, I suspect there are far more of them out there than we’d believe.
in that regard, the piece is a masterful work of propaganda and that is why you should pay attention. It uses just enough truth, along with lies of omission, and juxtapositions to be persuasive to those who are less aware. Yes, it’s long at almost two hours, but if you pay attention you can see how they build to a crescendo to get to the point of calling normal people the danger and the enemy without coming right out and saying it.
They start by using supposed veterans and establishing their bonafides. Then they start asking how other veterans could possibly go on the offensive against their government that they have sworn to obey and protect. Note what was not said, oath to the constitution. This is a deliberate omission.
Then they start in on the “fringe” groups, patriot front, proud boys, oath keepers, etc. Notice how they push the envelope a little farther. They use actual footage to paint them as dangerous and deranged. Then they push it farther again, and equate them to the KKK and bring out the boogeyman of “white supremacy”. This quickly segues into terrorism via Timothy McVey. Having at this point so engrossed the viewer with a more and more extreme picture of these anti government, racist, terrorists that are a threat to “democracy” in the last 10-15 minutes they start calling them republicans, but they took a long time getting there and by this point the viewer has likely been desensitized and programmed on the message to believe it and accept the message.
No, you don’t need to watch leftist propaganda to know their intentions, but paying attention to their tactics and understanding them it’s important as Sun Tzu pointed out centuries ago.