Knowing THE PLANS Of Our ENEMIES + Bill Gates video
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daryl snowden
daryl snowden
4 years ago

another great video, thank you and keep up the good work, especially now.

4 years ago

The corruption is at all levels. too deep and wide. Most have accepted it and just living life.

Ed and Carolyn
Ed and Carolyn
4 years ago

“You go, `girl’!” Thank you for your faithful messages and encouragement.
GOD’s ARMOR looks good on you!
Psalm 91

a follower
a follower
4 years ago

The Common Pass app is developed by a Switzerland based public interest foundation called The Common Projects, in coordination with the World Economic Forum. The app is currently under trial phase.
It is also interesting that Switzerland also seems to b the epicenter of the cashless society agenda!

Starting to develop a new understanding? The House of Israel is being and has been assimilated into Babylon, world Babylon. Babylon is going to collapse, but at what point?
we are not going to stop this, a Hero is not going to appear. we have our King and He has spoken, He has laid out the course of events. So, what is it that we are to do? 
We also have been warned of an answer man who shows up with all the answers. There does seem to be a lot of false prophets on the scene!
What is the remnant is commanded to do? 
Is a Remnant the majority?
Was the house of Israel all in synch and following God as they should, as they departed Egypt? Was it kumbaya and easy pea,sy, or did they learn to endure?