Kuntzman: Round II on the AR-15

To gun lovers, you can’t even have an opinion on assault rifles — unless it’s theirs. Here’s the proof

The gun debate is also a gender war.

In all my years in journalism — coming up on 30 (thanks) — I have never received so much angry mail as I did after yesterday’s story, “What is it like to fire an AR-15? It’s horrifying, menacing and very very loud.”

I don’t mind spirited debate, but many correspondents told me that even expressing an opinion about today’s high-powered weaponry is off-limits to those of us who don’t own such guns.

To reiterate, the goal of the story was simply to share with readers my experience of firing an AR-15, which very few of them have done. I found the sheer power of the weapon horrifying. I found the noise deafening and anxiety provoking. I was frightened by its potential for rapid, catastrophic, Orlando-like carnage with similar weaponry. Using an AR-15 made me irritable and jittery for hours afterwards. To me, it felt like a bazooka.


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Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

Yes, “that time if the month” can be a trying tipi me for some. Maybe if he can get his hormones straightened out and think logically he will recognize that the largest killer of mankind is not the AR15 or any other firearm every created but rather it is the very entity he wants to further empower, government. And we also know that the precursor to such events are limiting the ability of the public to defend themselves.

Why don’t we buy Mr. Kuntzman a ticket to Syria and have him show us how his idea of “being a man” and meant standing up for what you believe in — and against injustice “with bare hands works against those committed to killing him and others. Be sure to have someone go with him to report what happens because I doubt he’ll survive the first encounter.

8 years ago

The second sentence is in error. “In all my years in journalism — coming up on 30 (thanks) ”

He is no journalist. He is properly a propagandist. A rather poor one at that. Sorry but he is not worth my time. Or anyone else for that matter. I would much rather hear the opinion of a kid that did a tour in the sandbox. Ken

8 years ago

Stop. Please. You are totally missing Kuntzman’s point. And while I share your impolite sentiments towards him, schatzi that he is, he does have a point which we need to take under careful consideration.

You see, this is not a propaganda piece in anything near the way that you think it is. Rather, he is honestly representing his constituency -- all the urban, metrosexual beta males and their undercover wanna-be butch dyke roommates, in every commie-cozy metrpolis from LA and San Francisco all the way to Helsinki.

Because Herr kuntz~ hohlraum, ohne stoff; und stooge er ist -- isn’t lying at all. He is being plain-hearted honest about his experience, and is doing so with absolute confidence that his readers feel exactly the same way -- that being in actual, physical contact with a tool designed to pierce the life out of a living thing, such as a precious widdle Bambi, or even a non-feathered biped like himself, causes a wave of physical sickness to pass through him. The involuntary loosing of his bowels and bladder upon actually discharging such a powerful tool are testimony I take at face value. He probably can’t handle the Wildcat or Phobia ‘coasters at Lake Compounce, nor the Intimidator at Kings Dominion, either -- even though those rides kill even fewer people every decade than AR-15 patterned rifles do.

And THAT is a legitimate point which needs to be understood by us, as reasonable and charitable people, when dealing with these handi-capable folks from cloud city -- they don’t walk on the same earth that we do, nor do they breathe the same air. The incompatible nature of these cloud-dwellers is so total and so absolute, that there is no mediation between them and us -- we simply cannot live together.

And since the entire rest of the world is partially to fully socialized already, they have a ton of choices, as to where they’d like to live out their days.

Anywhere but here in America, where freedom and self-reliance ARE THE STANDARDS WE LIVE BY, FROM OUR VERY FOUNDING AS A NATION.

And I wish them all the happiness and comfort which this world can provide them, because that is exactly what they want -- nothing less, and certainly nothing more.

Anywhere else.

I truly bear them no ill will: so long as they cease their curious meddling into my business, and the business of other such Americans, whose only desire of their government is that it let them alone, to go about their lives in peace and domestic tranquility.

Anywhere else.

Because the rest of the world is already a collection of 300+ nanny-states, whose purpose is to be a 24/7 babyschutz kader, so großartig wie das scheinen -- Eine ewige kinder garten, für eine gesellschaft des ewigen kinder -- die das mussen hat.

Anywhere else.

Because for this country and it’s founding ideals, many millions of men have served and died in battle, and many millions more have served, and lived with their wounds the rest of their lives .

Anywhere else.

Because on the Statue of Liberty, it does NOT say, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to wear diapers and be coddled until the day they die.

Anywhere else.

Because the America I know and live in, has brought more health, happiness, knowledge, and opportunity to more people, than the rest of ‘the free world’ combined. And if what America has been -- even as little as two generations ago -- was half as good a thing as I perceive it to be, then it deserves to stand, to be protected and maintained, for as long as there are people who yearn to live in liberty, rather than just to dream of it.

“Anywhere else”.

These are my final words on the matter. I can say no more, nor be any clearer; and even as my last breath is drawn, I shall not abandon that reasonable standard, nor fail to come to it’s defense. And if that defense be, of necessity, a violent one -- then so be it. No one promised me a long or easy life, and I am not so brazen as to demand such from my God, nor my fellow countrymen.

But I shall keep my pledge, as I have voluntarily given it, without coercion or application of distress --
“I do solemnly swear, that I shall support and defend the Constitution of the United States, against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I shall bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I shall, at all times, well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

And now, in protracted silence,
the echoes of the final question fall,
as snowflakes upon bare cherry trees
in deepest dark and silent night --
Where do you stand?
-- -- With me, or
Anywhere else?

8 years ago

I will disagree with LT here. I have not “missed” his point. Propaganda does not necessarily mean every thing he says is a lie. It’s just his point of view and the view of those he worships. He is trying to sell that point of view to those on the fence. Not his “true believers on the left” fellow progressives. Or he is trying to “rally” the progressive troops. Most likely he is just seeking attention he craves. He knows he will not make a dent on the opposition (the lovers of liberty). I my view he is not a “progressive”. He is a fascist. No such thing as progressive. Just fascist.