Larry Wilmore to President Obama: “Yo Barry, you did it my Nigga”.

h/t Randy D

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8 years ago

Whoa….I don’t watch this DC insider Press/Celebrity orgy stroking one another’s bloated egos…and turn it off when it flashes on the tube -- so this snippet is all I saw.

So calling Obama “Barry -- My Nigga” winking and complimenting him for “Doing it” goes on national TV and everyone applauds???

Doing what???

Blowing the greatest opportunity of any President in modern times to unite the races and instead dividing U.S. even more!

Being unable to call the greatest threat to U.S. by its name.

Cash for Clunkers???

Calling ISIS names while being the reason it was allowed to form and grow.

Drawing Red Lines then backing down.

Running around the world apologizing for America instead of representing U.S.

Shoving the Single Payer Socialist Health Care Camel Nose under the tent down our throats as its tortured imploding reality reverberates in our ears with the lie: “If you want your doctor you can keep your doctor.” (At least he gave birth to the TEA Party -- now there was an accomplishment).

Degrading our military.

Lying…I mean evolving.

Disappearing for hours on end while the Americans in Benghazi are abandoned and then dancing on the head of a pin with his Rose garden words…then pretending he didn’t turn his back on them for a re-election campaign inference.

Shovel ready jobs with the shovel shoved up the ass of the American taxpayer and Federal debt that he doubled, more then all the previous president combined!

Ahhh…crap…I can’t go on anymore its too depressing and the list is too long.

History will judge Obama eventually for what he really is….a radical leftest ideologue narcissistic who was the first black president and the worst president since Jimmy Carter, only he was intentional with his globalist/collectivist/PC/Chicken Little Climate Change BS while poor Carter was just a micro managing fool. Obama was a big picture socialist -- a Saul Alnisky Trojan Horse player who shredded the Constitution. He can put his pen and his phone where the sun don’t shine!

But I do have one thing to thank him for. In 2008 I had a few guns and some ammo…now I have an armory…and enough ammo, gear, and prep to become a modern day self-sufficient Minuteman…and thanks to “Barry my Nigga” I’m searching for a Militia.

Me thinks if Barry had another 4 years we could all actually be extras in a real life Mad Max movie!

We may get there yet thanks to his “Radical Transformation”….gee thanks Oprah & Soros.