Last Man Standing: Armed Feds Are Surrounding My Farm

Government vehicles and personnel outside of the Bundy ranch / Cliven and Carol Bundy

We will comply.

If the government is forcibly removing cattle with heavy artillery over a tortoise, what will they use against us for standing up for our natural rights? MRAPs, drones, CS gas and snipers have all been used against us by our “government”. Idle speculation will accomplish as much as watching tyranny envelope our nation. How can we hold our heads as high as Cliven Bundy? Why should we even ask this question of ourselves?

David DeGerolamo


A two-decades-old battle between a Nevada rancher and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has resulted in officials armed with machine guns surrounding the ranch and forcibly removing the owner’s cattle, according to the rancher’s family.

Cliven Bundy, the last rancher in Clark County, Nev., has been fighting a “one-man range war” since 1993, when he decided to take a stand against the agency, refusing to pay fees for the right to graze on a ranch run by his family for centuries.

After years of court battles, the BLM secured a federal court order to have Bundy’s “trespass cattle” forcibly removed with heavy artillery, the family said.


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The Willpower
10 years ago

The Sheriff does have the authority. They are the law of the land in their jurisdiction.
Where is the Militia? This whole fiasco is a travesty if allowed to proceed without citizen’s intervention. Sounds more like a UN sneak attack.

10 years ago
Reply to  The Willpower

Willpower, I completely agree with you,This is not about cows anymore than it’s about tortoises, it’s all about control. Thats why the Federal show of force. I know for a fact that there is a constitutional militia in south Nevada. I also know that we are the militia, if all you can do is to make sandwiches or chip in a few bucks for gas, donate a sleeping bag or your in full battle rattle. What matters is one’s commitment and willingness to respond.
This situation is got full media attention right now. I’d much rather see a lawyers pro bono attempt in finding resolution before bullets. I’ve seen a few comments here and there about how if they have to pay fees, so should Mr Bundy. To them I say Principles.
David, please keep us up to date on this story.
Thanks. Hillbilly

European American
European American
10 years ago

Fella’s, boys and girls, friends of the Playhouse, cartoon time is not here and neither is the world we used to live in. GET USED TO IT. This “Molon Labe” talk is pure bull sheet (not pointing the finger at anyone here in particular). If there was going to be a rebellion, it would have already happened by now. No one, I repeat, NO ONE is willing to lose any blood to defend the republic. Only a few, e.g. Dormer, Waco, Ruby Ridge, etc., had the intestinal fortitude to make a stand. The rest are ALL molon labe couch potatoes who have no intention of even losing sleep over the dismantling of our Bill of Rights. They sit and type this and that, I’m gonna’ do this, and militia this and militia that. What a joke. I’ve been reading the same false threats since ’08 and still, no one is willing to be THE Martyr. The enemy gets stronger by the hour, while the so called “patriots” fill up with more hot air by the minute (while hiding behind their computer screens, in the safety of their heated home and cool, thirst quenching beverages).

IT’S OVER. GAME OVER. WE LOST AND THEY WON. Now, we wait, for the day, right around the corner, when the “teams” come knocking to collect are tricked out AR’s and boxes of ammo. Those guns were sure a lot of fun when we took them to the target range, 30 rd rapid fire, getting the look, cool. But hey, no way am I going to use them against a militarized police force, I might get hurt, or even “killed”.

It’s a sad commentary on the mastery of PsyOps in manipulating the malleable mush minds of the American masses. What a mindless, gutless, un-culture we have degenerated into.

I’ll get off the soap box, now, before I slip.