Latest News from the Front

The picture above reminds me of Marie Antoinette’s quote “Let them eat brioche” (a type of cake) as the country is on fire. Here is the latest propaganda from the Obama Campaign Front.

David DeGerolamo

Friend —

Today, President Obama stood on the Brent Spence Bridge that connects Ohio to Kentucky and spoke about how the American Jobs Act could help rebuild that bridge and thousands like it, and put construction workers and manufacturers back to work.

It has been exactly two weeks since President Obama proposed the American Jobs Act — a fully paid-for plan made up of ideas that both parties have endorsed in the past and ought to be able to get behind now. A wide majority of Americans who have heard about the Jobs Act want to see it passed right away.

But Congress has yet to take any action on it whatsoever.

There’s no excuse for any more delays. The President is out there bringing this plan straight to the American people. It’s on us to help put the pressure on Congress.

House Speaker John Boehner — who will be leading the Republicans in negotiations — needs to hear what Americans like you think.

Call Speaker Boehner’s office now at (202) 225-0600 — tell him not to let politics get in the way of creating jobs, and ask him to help make sure Congress passes the American Jobs Act.

Then click here to let us know how it went.

President Obama this week also outlined his plan to pay for the bill while still reducing our deficit. At the heart of the plan is the Buffett Rule, a commonsense principle that would require people earning more than $1 million a year to pay the same share of their income in taxes as middle-class families do.

If that’s a proposal you think makes sense, it’s time to let John Boehner hear it.

Republicans have responded to the plan with more cries of “class warfare,” a term that apparently applies when the President asks millionaires and billionaires to pay their fair share but not when Republicans cut urgently needed programs for middle-class families.

As the President said, this isn’t class warfare — it’s simple math. If we want to reduce the deficit and put America back to work, we can’t put the entire burden on the middle class. But we know that’s exactly what congressional Republicans will do if we don’t take action — decimate programs seniors and families rely on, while protecting every loophole and giveaway for billionaires and big corporations.

None of us have time to sit around and wait while our lawmakers dig in for a political fight when there are reasonable solutions for creating jobs on the table right now.

As the President told Congress more a week ago, “this plan is the right thing to do right now. You should pass it. And I intend to take that message to every corner of this country. And I ask every American who agrees to lift your voice: Tell the people who are gathered here tonight that you want action now. Tell Washington that doing nothing is not an option. Remind us that if we act as one nation and one people, we have it within our power to meet this challenge.”

He was talking to us, so let’s do our job. Call John Boehner in Washington now — and tell him it’s time to pass this jobs bill.



Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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