Lawlessness only begets more lawlessness. Here’s the proof.
This weekend we learned that Attorney General Roy Cooper’s refusal to defend the North Carolina Marriage Amendment and statutes has inspired the City of Winston-Salem to begin recognizing same-sex “marriages” performed in other states.
Citing the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision finding the Virginia Marriage Amendment unconstitutional and citing Roy Cooper’s announcement that he will no longer defend our own Marriage Amendment, the City issued a new policy making same-sex couples who purport to be “married” under the laws of another state eligible for benefits paid for by the taxpayers.
Although no court of law has found North Carolina’s marriage statutes and Marriage Amendment to be unconstitutional, the City of Winston-Salem has taken it upon themselves to do the dirty work. In so doing, they are openly violating the laws and Constitution of our State. So much for the voters approving the Marriage Amendment by 61% to 39%!
How can public officials violate the law and get away with it? Because our Attorney General, who was elected to enforce the laws and Constitution of the State, has decided to pick and choose which ones he won’t defend. And, he’s decided he doesn’t like the ones that deal with recognizing marriage only as the union of a man and a woman.
How can the Attorney General get away with violating his duties under the Constitution? Because no one has held him accountable for it…..yet.