LBJ Assassinated Kennedy?

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Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
3 days ago

I’m a Texan. I remember the assasination very well. Although I was a child, it was clear even to a child, that the shots came from more than one source and anyone that said differently was lying. People that were good witnesses suddenly died. The supposed shooter was quickly silenced, and then the guy that shot him was silenced too. Many people near the home of Johnson did not like him--he did not have a good reputation. There were rumors that Johnson did it, the Mafia did it, the C-A did it. Maybe it was a combination of all three. It wasn’t just a theory. It was a conspiracy. There was also a woman that was said to be a mistress of Johnson and she kept insisting that Johnson did it. No one but God knows the whole truth. But this was when the accusation of Conspiracy Theorists first started, to keep people shut up.

Randolph Scott
Randolph Scott
2 days ago
Reply to  Balanced Rock

sounds about right. Johnson was the biggest liar ever to hold office.

kal kal
kal kal
1 day ago
Reply to  Balanced Rock

The film proves a frontal shot, apparent to even the least educated on gunshots

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
2 days ago

This would not surprise me in the least. The Mafia and Clowns In America both had axes to grind. And Johnson was just a power seeking scumbag. The perfect Deep State combination.

Last edited 2 days ago by Steady Steve
First of five
First of five
2 days ago
Reply to  Steady Steve

Can only conjure up bad scenarios if the Butler attempt went differently.TGID.

2 days ago

Yeah. Nothing new.

Defiant Grunt
Defiant Grunt
2 days ago

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
2 days ago

Interesting that these recordings are on mini-cassette tapes… which were introduced by Phillips in 1967. So these recordings took place in 1967 or after. Or, they are copied onto mini cassette format from some other recordings (possibly from Dictaphone). I have no doubt that Johnson was involved in the assassination. Kennedy was in the process of doing what Trump is doing now--and Kennedy paid the price for going up against massive military industrial complex and deep state.

2 days ago

I have no doubt that Johnson was involved in the assassination. Kennedy was in the process of doing what Trump is doing now--and Kennedy paid the price for going up against massive military industrial complex and deep state.

Yep, when your hunting Tigers be very well prepared.

Trump a very rich man that Chose to risk all for His Country.

NOT that you can convince SOME of the “Patriots” around here of that fact.

They WANT their PONY, err Arrests and Hangings NOW.

2 days ago
Reply to  Michael

I will wait. Isaiah 40:31. However, there must be justice at some point. And by that, I do not necessarily mean hangings, except for convictions of treason. Confiscate the assets of the convicted and turn them into homeless beggars. I believe there is a passage in one of the Psalms about that. Bleib ubrig.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 days ago

Over 50 years later? The powers that shouldn’t be must be laughing. They have been able to keep this under wraps for so long claiming national insecurity, excuse me, security. Boomers for the most part are the only group that care.
9/11 is the next to get to 50 years. Many still believe Osama and his 19 box cutter highjackers were behind it. It was the springboard to the misnamed Patriot Act and the alleged war on terror.
“History is written by the victors.” Napolean Bonaparte

2 days ago

i believe LBJ had a major hand in it. I know for a fact that the construction source that poured most of the concrete slabs in Vietnam was in lady bird Johnson’s name. These Johnson toilet bugs were the forerunners of the Bidens. God has long handed the democrats over to reprobate minds.

kal kal
kal kal
1 day ago

What did LBJ say, “Won’t have to worry about that son of a bitch………”