Leaked: 60 Minute Australian Reporter Gets Slammed About Giving Their Gun Rights Away

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enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

Every time I’ve heard this guy speak, he’s always right on the monty and to the point, explaining exactly what the 2nd means, how and why it was written the way it was.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Yep have listened to his videos before, spot on.

Old school
Old school
2 years ago

When I mention the 1996 confiscation there’s always a few Aussies who respond and proclaim that only a fraction of the weapons were turned in / confiscated. Well if so that’s awesome …. so why are Australians being drug off to quarantine camps, being abused on the streets and living with the boot of tyranny firmly planted on the back of their necks?