“US Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz was caught on film admitting that force morale was at an ‘all-time low,’ and conceding that they were losing ‘way too many agents.’ The chief added that he needed to do a ‘better job of taking care of his agents,’ leading to an exchange in which some of them questioned his working methods and results.
Why do we have to go to Russia Today for our news? We all know the answer.
David DeGerolamo
Another political whore.
Is there anything the communist / globalist federal leviathan does well? Yes, lie, mooch, extortion, and confiscate property. The destruction of America by communist government prostitutes like US Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz. He has his position because he is a traitor. Where are Texas RINO Senator John Cornyn III and Texas RINO Senator Ted Cruz? Do they even know the Southern border is wide open and millions of low IQ, low trust, fighting aged males are coming into Texas illegally? Of course they know, but they nothing about it. I wonder why? Who is John Galt? TEXIT!
Yes they kill lots of people.
Remove all political people from this issue. Place warriors on the border and let them do their jobs.
ma deuce pits every 200 ft, along the border, that will get ‘er done.
They would not come here if they could not make a living (or if it was not given to them). The drug part is easy to fix since it is run by those in power.
Is the term “illegal aliens” now a bad word, guess the chief thinks so..He needs to be shit-canned, and his men are subtly voicing it.
He is just following orders (I think he is a first rate crap bag). A while back they got a memo stating that they could not call them illegal aliens.