I would like to believe. Really. I would like to wake up from this nightmare of tyranny and see Liberty restored.
Unfortunately, I understand that freedom can only be restored one way and the legal system is not that way.
David DeGerolamo
Unfortunately, you are correct. So many of us tried over and over again to stop the tyranny through both the legal system and the ballot box, and we have always lost, so that leaves ONLY one way left.
Considering the courts have been the largest usurper of liberty in my lifetime it is obvious we are highly unlikely to find justice or be able to restore liberty by simply agreeing to their process and rules. It is like an honest person arguing with a liar hoping to reach agreement on the truth.
If you ask me it is a bit ironic he mentions the illegal invasion and the force legal recognition of sodomy as “normal” when it is the courts who have allowed, aided, and or implemented them.
Dear Abouna Gregori,
YOUR video on natural born citizen helped me to prepare my speech on the same topic and it has had many views and even Trump tweeted it.
So thank you so much for your help and inspiration. You are a blessing to us all, dear Abouna. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/701045567783219201
And as you know, God is on the Throne!