The best lessons of life you can learn are from nature.
For a mighty tree is cut down, is it the end? No. For if the roots are intact, it will regrow once again!
As so for America? Of at least some parts of it. So, too, is it with our faiths. So long as your roots run deep, nothing can stop our return. It isn’t a new thing, but rather a continuation of what was into what will be.
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Have faith and persevere because future generations deserve the freedoms we enjoyed and sleepingly just let slip away !!
True, but it’s gonna be a long hard road.
The problem is cutting down the “old” tree.
The ‘old tree’ of America has been cut down. The ‘old tree’ of our pre-Christian ancestors was cut down by Saint Boniface (among others). It will soon be time for something new. I suggest we all think deeply about what comes next. We will not be rebuilding the American Constitutional Republic or Christianity. Sorry, but facts are facts.
A tree regrows because it IS A TREE in its genetic structure.
The History of man shows that the Strong Man, King, Dear Leader, Dictator and so on becomes the default.
A good leader tends to default to his children, who may not be so good, wise or such. There was plenty of Good Leadership in Rome’s history but once decay became acceptable….
Our “Grand Experiment” of a Republic and elected leaders was the EXCEPTION of the history of Mankind.
Winter is here.