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obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, leap year, leak year, joe biden

And to think that this represents the hope of the Democrat Party when Hillary is arrested.

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

We’d stand a far better chance with Mr. Ed -- the talking horse. Better the head than this ass…

9 years ago

Many people don’t know or forgotten how this two bit lying whore Bolshevik hack was caught in the late 1970’s for lying and plagiarizing when he was a senator, and a useless one at that. it’s amazing how the people from his state just kept voting in the same old scumbag every six years even knowing how stinking corrupt he was and still is. it just goes to tell you about the caliber of dumbed down people from the state of Maryland, It’s pitiful to watch this brain damaged pervert in action. This fool can’t still figure out why his life has been torn apart with the loss of life in his family,and the old fool continues in his egregious sins against the lord, you would have thought the old fool wold of figured it our by now. Children of Satan never do, and this man is marked with 666 and there is no denying it.

Tom Angle
9 years ago

Did I miss the news? Is she really going to be arrested?

Tom Angle
9 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

You got me excited there for a minute. That is what I get for hoping. Of course hope is the last thing before defeat.