Let’s get something straight

…the communist left doesn’t give one iota of a fuck what you think. You can blah-blah-blah all day.

The ONE THING that the commie left has not forgotten, is that speech without deeds and action is just…


They are willing and able to get blood on their hands.

You are afraid they’ll call you… mean, hateful, and you’ll get in trouble with your government.


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Yes it means nothing, just words with no action, you see the illegal regimes actions every day. They are willing to get blood on their hands and have done so. The prisoners of war the Jan 6th people are paraded on their show trial, I will say some more words, I am willing and ready to kill every last one of them, no exceptions.

Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

As I stated before, why do We allow them to be kept hostage?I know what you would say, but 2 is far too few.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Thomas Angle

Yes Thomas, nobody wants to commit to the fight, God does not favor the cowardly, we are in disobedience to God for our not acting.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The fight is already on. No one wants to become the nameless dandruff of a bad situation gone worse such as Jan 6th. But we are in the fight, and we are nameless dandruff because this isn’t about us individually, this is about God’s covenant and His kingdom with His people. If you aren’t fighting with every tool you have right now, then you are crow’s bai tomorrow. The landscape is changing under our feet and “the fight” is changing requiring great dexterity to keep up. One minute it requires your full presence and the next minute your prayer in front of a moral outrage. If every breath is a breath of resistance to this evil falling over our world, then the fight is on as we breathe. Waiting for a general to show up and lead will be too late.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  gail jansen

God is awesome, merciful and everything is just as it should be, until we unite under Jesus Christ and stand and fight this evil. If God be with us who can stand against us, he is a God of army’s not just spiritual but flesh and blood also. His flesh and blood army’s have always been used to rid the land of evil, today is no different.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Do you notice a lack of comments? Fear has got you by the balls.

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Fear is a remarkable tool. And they use it to their adbvantage. Most people throughout history are reactionary and do little until their own lives are threatened. The present situation(s) show this inaction to get involved in someones wrongdoing increasing. No one want to get involved because it isn’t their fight.
Until they come for you, and no one is there to stand up for you.
Our increasing reliance on social media & technology and distancing from knowing and interacting with each other drives much of this. We don’t know our neighbors, are friends are only available over texting and photos, there is a noted decrease in social and face to face interaction. The driving force behind community. You cannot “Know “someone, unless you “Know” them.
I do not and never will “Know” any of you here. But I do have faith that by your words, your heart is on the righteous path.

2 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

You are on to something enn ess……we have become anti-social. No one knows, or even more importantly, TRUSTS their neighbors anymore.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  enn ess

Job 3:25
“For that which I feared is come upon me, and that which I dreaded has overtaken me.”
In John 9 the parents of the man born blind could not celebrate Jesus’ miraculous healing because “they feared the Jews.” In that culture if you were ostracized from the temple, your livelihood was in jeopardy. Today, if one church throws you out, the next is glad to take you. You don’t have to be courageous.
Fear keeps us from being the person we aspire to be. Satan knows this and utilizes it to defeat Christians. He already has the unbelievers in his pocket.

gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

I am fearless! I am on the winning side! I am ready!

2 years ago

Look all across the country in a couple of days they rallied together people in just about every state for this gun control shit. Why can’t we rally people together to take care of things?

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  Chopchop

Well… how many people in the Patriot movement have you heard saying…


And besides, who wants to come off as being mean, and hateful?

The communists certainly have trained the republicans and conservatives well.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chopchop

“Why can’t we rally people together to take care of things?”

Because everything that constitutes community has been usurped; the churches, the workplace, the arts, domestic economy, the relationship and understanding of natural medicine and otherwise as relates to social relations -- most everyone defers to a corporate-governing authority with regards to the afore mentioned things. If you think about it, with as many church buildings as there are, this shouldn’t even be a question or an issue. There’s a reason why it’s ‘church as usual’ with widespread deteriorating social conditions. That reason has to do with social control (being governed from the top-down) rather than individuals administering say, within and amongst locales. This amounts to trained and steered compliance and points out how compliance becomes exponential.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

So we have all these republicans and conservatives jaw-boning about these drag queens, the multi-flavored gender bending being taught in schools and I tell them…

What did you expect? You TOLERATED them ever since the homosexuals came out of the closet. You gave the devil an inch, and devil took another inch, and another… and you TOLERATED it. The fact is… YOU OWN IT.

And I’ll tell you, some of these republicans and conservative are just as bad as the screaming Karens when you tell them that.

Almost no one wants to hear it.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

The whole ‘love the sinner, not the sin’, thing was a little too fine a distinction for most.
Thing is, Heaven isn’t a democracy.