Let’s Go Brandon!!!

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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Joe Obiden can also be described in a single word DEMENTED.

Elder Son
2 years ago

They TOLD YOU they would be back. Joe isn’t running anything. So stop trying to get in Joe’s head… there is nothing there other than what is scripted for him.

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gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

Obiden and his doubles are truly pitiful. Not that I have much compassion for him/them, but that I can’t imagine waking up every day wondering what public humiliation was awaiting me. I heard someone describe the problem as, “a lack of the anointing”. Is this what happens when you usurp a seat of authority without blessing “of the People” or the Law? Although, I am certain Pope Francis would send someone quickly if he realized it was a lack of God’s anointing that was plaguing little joe.

James Wood
James Wood
2 years ago

OBummer did exactly what the commies said they would do -- America would never be taken from the outside -but fall from the inside -everyone of these traitors should be hung for treason -- these people will find out that God is not going to let his people fail -- he’s pointing us in the direction to home and we will take back our nation