Let’s Hope This Is Not Foreshadowing US Elections

Updated 11:20 AM: Egypt’s highest court on Thursday declared the parliament invalid, and the country’s interim military rulers declared full legislative authority, triggering a new level of chaos and confusion in the country’s leadership.

Speculation is rampant in Egypt today as the military is authorized to arrest citizens and their parliament may be dissolved. Based on recent events in the United States concerning the NDAA and restriction of free speech, it would be interesting to debate the analogy between Egypt and the United States with this first article below.

The second article where the Egyptian parliament may be dissolved has no analogy here. Since Congress has abandoned their Constitutional role, I don’t see how they could be disbanded under the Constitution unless the President declares a state of emergency.

The events unfolding in Egypt are probably a prelude to a military takeover prior to the weekend elections where the Muslim Brotherhood is predicted to take control of the country.

David DeGerolamo

Egypt Justice Ministry authorizes civilian arrests by military

Egypt’s Justice Ministry on Wednesday gave the country’s military police and intelligence agents the right to arrest civilians over wide range of suspected crimes, including “resisting authorities,” sparking charges that the country’s military rulers want to extend their grip on power even after handing over to civilians.


Egypt parliament to be dissolved after ruling – court official

CAIRO, June 14 (Reuters) – A constitutional court ruling on Thursday means that the whole of the lower house of Egypt’s parliament will be dissolved and a new election will have to be held, the court’s head Farouk Soltan told Reuters by telephone after the ruling was issued.

“The ruling regarding parliament includes the dissolution of the lower house of parliament in its entirety because the law upon which the elections were held is contrary to rules of the constitution,” he said, speaking two days before another election to pick a new president.

Soltan said the ruling was binding on all institutions of state, adding that it would be up to the executive to call for the new election that he said would take place.


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12 years ago

This article is right-on when it says that dissolution of the Egyptian parliament does not forsage a similar thing happening in America. It already has. It [the US congress] is already defacto dissolved by its utter lack of action, sitting by and watching its power and its role being snatched away, at first, piece by piece, and now chunk by chunk. Totally impotent except as a bystander and rubber stamp. Lawmakers like Pelosi should be immediately removed from office and impeached.

You and any church or political organizations of which you are a member should be flooding the offices of your state and federal representatives and local medias with emails, letters and telephone calls about this. If you remain complacent, you are no different than your worthless elected lawmakers and deserve what comes next!