Let’s Never Forget

Why is Hillary Clinton not arrested, tried, convicted and hanged for treason?

David DeGerolamo

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Liberally Disgusted
Liberally Disgusted
4 years ago

Yes, he did promise America First. That’s why he stopped flights from China so early and was persecuted. Yes, it looks like our numbers are higher than China’s. But only those like Hillary would imply that China’s numbers look anything like reality. Lies from the left every minute of every day. Praying for our President and our country. Also praying for all the nations that are enduring this virus and their government’s responses to it.

4 years ago

POTUS 45 was elected based on his campaign rhetoric to:

1. “Lock her up !” He hasn’t and never will.
2. Close the Mexican border and stop the invaders from attacking this nation. He hasn’t and never will.
3. Get our military, our blood and treasure the hell out of Afghanistan (18 years + and trillions of debt bucks down the toilet). He hasn’t and never will.

Now the latest….POTUS 45 and CONgress agreeing that printing $2,000,000,000,000 and distributing it to “needy” citizens is a good thing. Say hello Amerika to being the 21st century’s Weimar Republic !

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
4 years ago

Her freedom is a constant reminder that American justice has been seriously corrupted. Clinton has committed no-brainer crimes; they are so obvious that a first year law graduate could successfully prosecute. But then, that graduate would be below ground in 24 hours. This is where America has arrived. And we very well may be paying a horrible price with our present situation.