Life After the Xiden Coup

I was listening to the T.L. Davis interview with CA and wanted to comment on the part of the electorate not bothering to inform itself starting at the 32 minute mark. CA clarified that there are cases where the electorate is informed and still loses the election.

Let’s stop beating around the bush. The Democrats/Chinese Communists have stolen the 2020 Presidential election and many more. The only difference is that the 2020 election resulted in the overthrow of the Republic and the subsequent imprisoning of “insurrectionists”.

I try to live my life according to simple principles:

  1. Trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not upon my own understanding.
  2. Do not lie.
  3. Work hard.

With this in mind, I do not need to make New Year’s Resolutions. This year will be an exception: I resolve not to couch my words to lessen the truth.

The first truth is that the people of the Republic who understand its founding principles were at war with an illegitimate government. The second truth is harder: we lost the war. Many will take umbrage at this fact but first consider:

  1. The 2020 Presidential election was stolen and an illegitimate administration installed for the executive branch of the government.
  2. Protesters of the usurper’s confirmation by the Congress on January 6th were arrested and jailed for “insurrection”. These political prisoners have been starved, beaten, denied medical care, denied proper legal counsel and gassed.
  3. Medical mandates have been instituted to misdirect, control and limit contact to suppress any efforts to counteract the coup.
  4. The media, Congress, Judiciary at all levels and the military are complicit in the coup.
  5. The coup is openly known and the “government” recognized as the legal authority of the country.

And nothing was done.

That is how the Republic died and the war (such as it was) was lost with barely a whimper of protest.

I had a discussion with another couple last night and the wife related a story in her store concerning a former special forces soldier. He told her that former special forces were organizing to retake the government across the country and would act when the time was right. And Donald Trump is our savior. Fairy tales do not win wars, they only appease the conquered.

Since the war is lost, what are our options considering:

  1. Our Internet/social media is censored.
  2. Our wealth has been drained with inflation, taxes and medical costs.
  3. Medical tyranny has replaced Liberty.
  4. Patriots are imprisoned.
  5. Gene therapy is considered a vaccine even though twice as many die from the “vaccine” than from Fauci’s gain of function virus.
  6. The national debt has increased $438 billion in December.
  7. True inflation for 2021 was 15%.
  8. All phone and Internet traffic is illegal monitored and recorded.
  9. Ammunition has doubled in price.
  10. Our military is “vaccinated” which makes them compromised.

So most people waited for a so called leader to organize patriots or believed Donald Trump would regain his rightful office. And for want of a nail

So how does it feel to live under the illusion of freedom in an unchallenged Communist coup?

David DeGerolamo

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3 years ago

Everything you wrote is correct; therefore, I no longer live under the illusion and delusion. Christ is my leader. Period. I will not vote under the current wickedness. So be it. Let the SHTF hit the fan. My eternal life is in Christ alone not a Biden or a Trump or a Bush or a Warburg or Rockefeller or an Israel or EUA authorization or FDA or a Fauci/Gates/ GAVI/big tech/ peanuts like Jack Dorsey or Zuck. My walk is with Jesus Christ not family or friends who abide with evil.

3 years ago

This is basically the conclusion I’ve come to. I knew it was over when we didn’t do anything about the obvious theft of the presidential election. If we, the people, didn’t stand up then, I don’t think we’ll ever stand up.

3 years ago
Reply to  1st1shot


tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

We have lived under the illusion of freedom for a very long time, I have a spiritual relationship with my Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I am currently at war with the current illegal regime, I did not declare this war they did. So what are my options, to fight and resist any way I can. That does mean to run out in the street and just start killing people. If there is any attempt to arrest or detain me at this point I will take that as a threat to my life, that includes all federal, state and local LEO’s or any other agency. Will the war go kinetic? I think it will pretty darn soon, the lid is about to blow off this kettle. Just about everyone I talk too says the same thing. All the people that think just because it has NOT gone kinetic yet are also living in an illusion.

3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

since we’re being candid: I legally bought a spacer for a home made silencer, which is legal to do when you pay your $200 tax stamp and go thru the proper steps. the company I bought the part from, which is a metal spacer is simply that, a piece of tubing. they were raided by the ATF a few years ago and their customer list seized. now we find out that the ATF has chosen to go after the people on that confiscated list. there are thousands of us that have gotten the letter or will be getting them soon telling us that we are in violation of the law. they do not even know what part(s) people bought, or even if those parts were legally used. do a google search to see what is happening with this, it’s all over the place right now. I know what I will be doing, Tom you pretty much said what I am thinking…any attempts towards me will be seen as a threat to my life. I played by their rules, we know what happens when people play by the rules: they get stomped on.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Tetra

Yes the Feds have been making lists of all gun owners for years, I am sorry to hear what happened, it does not surprise me at all. The door has closed for me on any peaceful resolution, if you think they will not use force, we know they will. I am 100% committed to my morals, beliefs and principals, God does not favor cowards.

Not So Free
Not So Free
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

I wonder if any of them have read Unintended Consequences.

Red in OleVirginny
Red in OleVirginny
3 years ago

Do you really think the war was lost? Do you really think it’s over? In 18-24 months ? I generally enjoy your writings -- but I think you need to go and re-read about the American Revolution. Take note of how many years it lasted -- and the price in blood that was paid.
Some of the most vicious fighting was between “friends and neighbors” in the backcountry while the redcoats controlled the cities. Kind of like today.
We would be much better served by a Thomas Paine than a negative nelly. No offense intended -- I hope none taken. Keep writing
Best Regards,
Red in OleVirginny

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I am not waiting for the vaccinated to die off, in my small town in NW Az at last count there were 12 active militias, they have closed recruitment due to federal infiltration. Every last one of them are gearing up for war real time. You can make a wide swath at the couch potato, but maybe your out of touch in real time.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I do not know you, but everyone I know is not quarterbacking from the couch, we just run in different circles that is all.

Hammer's Thor
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yeah, I know you. You are most definitely NOT out of touch. Not by a long shot.
The vaccine nazis have way overplayed their hand. They anticipated that we would line up to receive the death jab, but instead the marxists (the useful idiots) lined up instead. They are starting to realize that their plan has backfired in a spectacular way. The republic may be over, but I do not believe the war has been lost. I don’t believe it has truly started.
Vive la résistance!

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

David, I know you. Personally. You are not out of touch. You’re one of the few willing to stand. And to Tom Finley … I was in Oath keepers for two years in NC. We began to smell a rat in Stewart Rhodes so our unit left Oath Keepers and converted into a militia. Within three months we had two members who I’m convinced were Fed informants who caused dissention in the ranks and the unit folded. Don’t think closing recruitment will keep them out. They’re already there.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Malachi

Yes I was not trying to insult DRenegade, Yea the feds are into everything. I just differ with him on this thing going kinetic, I appreciate all his articles. I do not want to wait for the Phoenix.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I should apologize to you, did not mean it to come out that way.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I will not go into what our militias have planned, but I have also been in this war a long time, since the late 80s. Most of the vets I know and I am a vet also will meet our local needs, that includes leadership in local government. This is not beating my chest thinking I am all that like some have stated. You plan on waiting good luck.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The old Red guard did not go away, the Russians found they did not need borders, the communists had a real strong hold on America already. That deception was played very well indeed.

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I agree. I see this happening in my AO. There are those of us who are well prepared. We watch, wait, and keep updated accountability lists. Meet” informally” with your like minded friends. Use faraday bags for your phones. I you have OnStar or a similar device in your car, pull the fuse. Our day will come and we will give the final push that will collapse the rotten edifice our Federal government has become.

Carl B.
Carl B.
3 years ago
Reply to  tom finley


tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Carl B.

Fed who what where, you saying your a Fed.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Carl B.

Stick your Fed where the son don’t shine

Red in OleVirginny
Red in OleVirginny
3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

“Back then, we had strong men and women who believed in Liberty and God.” -- Agreed -- but we still have strong men. You are one of them, and your efforts have not been wasted.
The enemy is out in the open and we can see them. Things are happening everywhere and you are part of it. Might I suggest a series of articles with historical “lessons learned” from fighting powerful tyrants ? (you may have already done this -- apologies if you have)
Persevere and please continue writing. It does make a difference.

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

I agree, I live in NW Az small town but we have 12 or more militias gearing up big time, get ready.

3 years ago

Recall Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, and the image.
In it, the Roman Empire was represented by legs of iron. Iron symbolizes both power AND control. When Augustus Caesar ordered everyone to return to their city of birth and pay taxes he had both the power to make the order, and control via the Legions to carry it out.
The NWO Luciferians current attempt to revive the Roman Empire has/is/will fail.
The world is fracturing into regions from what had been a stable east/west (legs) era. We are at the point in time where the feet sprout 10 toes. The feet and toes are iron mixed with clay. This symbolizes power present, but not control.
If the Luciferian globalists that are building the nascent satanic global government were successful, the toes would be iron. The toes are not iron. Their overall victory is not to be. They will win battles, but not the war.
The current oligarchic power structure masquerading as a legitimate government has power. But it lacks control.
Or we would all already be jabbed. Or the chase cut, and dead already.
There is nothing wrong with admitting the crap storm we are sitting in the middle of. And acknowledging our position. You can’t get out of a mess you do not acknowledge.
However, believing we are finished, and it’s over, and they won, and we are screwed is not healthy. Or accurate.
Chin up. Morale up. Jesus is still on the Throne. We have to get back on track but this is not over.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Amen and amen.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
3 years ago
Reply to  Adino

Iron mixed with clay toes. Important detail. Clay = natural man, iron = supernatural/fallen angels. What is coming has never been seen. Todays headaches will give way to tomorrows gran mal seizures.

3 years ago

The best route is to work at getting local and state power, political and otherwise in tandem. Use the ability to raise armed and uniformed men to fend off federal overreach for as long as possible, play it by ear after that.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

String point

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago
Reply to  Zorost

Good strategy, start locally all their doing the federal criminals will come down to force eventually, it cannot be done otherwise.

Last edited 3 years ago by tom finley
Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
3 years ago
Reply to  Zorost


3 years ago

DRenegade, I understand what you’re saying, and the lack of action about this is the real deplorable thing. I don’t think the whole thing is over however. New history is being written.

3 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Amen. I watched a movie last night, Ashes in the Snow, about Lithuanians deported to Siberia by the Soviets in 1942. Their crime? They failed to kiss Stalin’s ass. Unusual movie. Usually it’s only the Nazis portrayed as bad guys. Anyhow, the lesson the movie portrays is the same as Solzhenitsyn wrote. Don’t get on the train. Fight.

3 years ago

We are not out of options. Ask yourselves: “What would Hayduke do?” “What would Henry Bowman do?” Plan accordingly. Timing is everything. Bleib ubrig.

3 years ago

There is one gigantic mistake the deep state made. They installed a drooling senile imbecile as the leader. He will make huge mistakes (afghanistan) that will create chaos, dissension and power grabs within his power structure. He has a 38% approval rating with 100% positive press. They stole the last election by stealing 10 hard blue counties in the battle ground states. They can’t do that in 435 districts. The virus will go away leaving only the vax injuries. The left can’t allow another election. There is our opportunity.