We have no rights because the Republic was overthrown: there is no Constitution. I want to point out that while Mr. Lambert was cooperating with law enforcement, they kept saying “stop resisting” to which he responds that he is not resisting. For law enforcement, people who are breathing are resisting arrest. It is the catchall for their “actions” to do whatever they want.
I know that I keep repeating the refrain “They want us dead”. Do you understand at what level? COVID-19, gene therapy and now WWIII in order to control whatever small remnant is left is not acceptable. When will people understand that “we” are now represent evil in the world?
David DeGerolamo
Keep sounding the alarm, don’t stop until we see them on the rooftops. What choice do we have? I for one will not lay down and die without a fight.
Same lunatics that the left says know what’s best for us and should control our lives.
It’s now estimated that 10% of the US population will be affected by this over 200 miles. That’s the entire state of Ohio, 90% of Pennsylvania and the Detroit area.
All the burned chemicals that went into the air are going to be rained back down, infecting the water supply, killing animals and plants and killing people for generations.
Not to mention, the Ohio river is contaminated and flows into the Mississippi that gives water to the heartland crops. Fish up to 5 miles away are already being found dead.
But, according to the fed it’s totally safe and there’s no problem. I hope this gets some off their butts so we can get a formidable force together and that people don’t just collectively shrug and move on.
What gets me about it, is NYFC and the rest of the leftist big cities are down wind…? Did they not check that? Or will it disperse/drop before it gets there?
IMO, they know it’s going to spread and just don’t care as TPTB have said openly they hate us and want us dead.
10% is a conservative projection and we all know historically it’ll be much larger.
A formidable force together? Folks on the gubmint dole won’t do anything. Gubmint employees won’t do anything. That leaves the middle class. In 2021 consumer debt rose to 15.6 trillion with a “t”.
Mortgages accounted for $11 trillion. That’s a one year increase of $890 billion. Should we still call it “home ownership?”
Auto debt is at $1.46 trillion. It’s an increase of $90 billion. Quit wondering where that guy got the $$$ for that new truck with the huge wheels.
Credit card debt is at $860 billion, an increase of $52 billion. What do you think inflation alone will do this number next year?
Debt is the new currency. Buy now, figure it out later. Folks do care what’s going on around them because paying off the debt is what’s most important to them.
I would like to see the video with audio just before the was interrupted.
I find it really odd there was no audio even though he was giving a live report.
I guess I should add, all the while the real criminals burned the train. But hey, how many times did the Cuyahoga River catch on fire?
Have to do this also. Notice the army man had to jump in.
Lol, looked like E.T. meets the keystone kops!
Names and addresses.
“Stop resisting” is the argument they use for their orc-like behaviour.
Its why I argue they have to die. They are not reasonable officers enforcing the law, they are orcs marauding at the behest of our traiterous rulers. They HAVE BEEN COACHED BY THEIR POLICE UNION ATTORNEYS TO REPEATEDLY SAY “STOP RESISTING” ON BODY CAMERA SO THEIR ATTORNEY CAN ARGUE IT IS YOU WHO WAS VIOLATING THE LAW, THERBY BRINGING POLICE VIOLENCE UPON YOURSELF.
This is entrapment, on camera, straight up lying. They outright try to tackle the guy and then suggest he is resisting. They swing first, you face assault charges. See how this works?
If you’re an honest cop, you need to quit. This is going to get hot, real fast, and when it does, your home will not be safe. The office, will be burned to the ground, so don’t think you and your work buddies will Alamo it there, we will already have your mrap and select fire weapons.
Become a handy-man, easy cash under the table, mending fences, painting bathrooms. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Doesn’t even have to be that, just existing is enough for them.
Didn’t break any law at all, just had a cop come up and start ranting and swearing at me in front of my 4 yr old daughter. His bad day and physical threats to me scared the hell out of her.
Yet, if I defended myself from this psycho I’d go to jail and be hunted like an animal.
READ: The Last Chapter of Suvorov’s “Spetsnaz” -- American Partisan Is this just coincidence since the obiden regime admitted to blowing up nordstream?
This whole system of having to pay for lawyers (especially if someone is not financially positioned to do so) in such situations, is further perpetuating the likelihood of its continuance (it’s entrenching a system). That this is more of the everyday day occurrence between the police and the public is testament to the inherent weakness of the corporate Christian church system in countering most anything in the public square, and it can be postulated that they had a vested interest in not seeking men and women (per seeker-sensitive churches) who could have made a difference in that they felt that authoritarian issues should be left to those in, or appointed to, or functioning in roles of authority or as authority figures. Cultivated men and women as change agents, were likely against their objectives, i.e., Romans: 13 (re: the limited part they present to the congregation). Largely, this viewpoint by extension, seems to have been adopted by most most of the country, in varying circumstances (such as workplace, healthcare, education). These authorities learn quickly who is monied, or not, and have quickly learned how to predicate policy based upon this.