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- General 'Buck' Turgidson on Children Running the Government
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- kal kal on Another Democrat Fedsurrection on January 20th?
- kal kal on Another Democrat Fedsurrection on January 20th?
Now that is depressing….
Interesting. I’m just wondering what the context is for the use of the word “fleetard”? It sounds derogatory?
I mean, I’d like to move to Colorado and I’m a “Christian Conservative” but I presently live in California. Does that make me a “fleetard”?
Or is it more that most Californians are “libtards” and they’re fleeing California’s authoritarianism and bringing their destructive liberal philosophies to other states, in effect ruining the states they’re moving to?
Just wondering.
My son came up with the terminology. Libtards crossed with fleeing. There are many good conservatives throughout California. But there is a reason people are leaving.
Colorado has a Gay Governor from San Diego…He has been questioned on giving money and privilege to his buddies!!! Try Texas or Florida instead!
CO was the first state to noticeably become a CA mirror
Oregon and Washington would like to have a word with you.
I fled commiefornia in 2004 I could not take it anymore, most of the people are absolute commies. grew up in the 50s was great back then. It is a shithole now, run by communists, if there ever was a need for a border fence there it is.
Boo hoo. Shoe’s on the other foot now?
No points for guessing how many of those “fleeing” actually came from all those other states, and having soiled one paradise, are merely returning home.
Best estimate from amidst the endless fields of feces is that, exactly like our “homeless” here, that would be 95+% from somewhere else.
But cheer up: when they return, they’ll bring their illegal alien gardeners, busboys, and nannies, along with the same lack of sense they brought here, when they thought they could just vote themselves free stuff out of someone else’s pockets.
They weren’t “Californians” when they got here, and they won’t be when they return home either.
Sincere best wishes from the Formerly Golden State on dealing with your ne’er-do-well sons, daughters, and other assorted kinfolk. You definitely deserve ’em all back. Good luck with that. Sauce for the gander, as you’re already finding out.
If’n anyone gets bored, wander over to Wikipedia, that bastion of information, and look up where Barbara Boxer was actually from. Or Nancy Pelosi. Or Gray Davis, that governor we recalled to install our incompetent Austrian import. Let me know if you find any Californians there, and when the common theme emerges from the fog.