Lindsey Graham's plan to stop the Israel-Palestine conflict from escalating?
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) October 12, 2023
Graham wants the United States and Israel to bomb Iran, effectively starting a war with a nation of 90 million people backed by Russia and China.
Why does Lindsey Graham love war so much?
h/t Matt Bracken on GAB and WRSA
Graham is a shill for war. Why he keeps getting re-elected is a mystery.
Because the voters in his state are dumber then a box of rocks, just as it’s in our district in North Carolina. Our dumb voters continue electing our so called conservative representative to the house every two years knowing the fool is a stinking rino. Our guy is nothing more then a lackey of McCarthy and the entire establishment, we are sick of this and every rino must be removed next year
No the voters do not support him… surprise. It is all about money. I have watched Lindsey trail then on FOX they mention he added 6 million to his war chest.
Now I wonder where that comes from?
And to believe elections are not bought… well I am from SC originally and I say ” yes they are”. Without a doubt.
I’m assuming everyone here understands the importance of Charleston SC and the old money that lives and breathes there… Those people might as well BE the government. No joke.
This rinocrat really needs to be recalled In South Carolina.
I think Lindsey Graham and John Bolton must be butt-buddies. They both think alike! Lindsey Graham is a sociopath. ‘Nuff said!
Graham should deliver his message in person. War mongering ass!
Tree and rope for war-mongering Lousy Graham.
We sometimes make the mistake of assuming someone is intelligent because they wear a suit and tie. The truth of the matter is, Graham is just not very bright. And he’s corrupt.
I have learned to block Lindsay Graham out! Time for him to go.
Iran is the last country on the list of seven that General Wesley Clark read off after 9/11. They were the countries he was told we were going to attack in 5 years. They are behind on their timetable but perseverance is one of their strong suits!
Some of the others were Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Libya, and maybe Yemen. Not too sure. Or was it Afghanistan?