Lindsey Graham Calls For Military Dictatorship

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9 years ago

here’s the thing, Lindsey Graham did not really win his senate seat in 2014, the Tea Party handed it to him. If they had taken the 6 TP candidates running on GOP, put them in a room and refuse to let them out til they all voted for one to run against LG, we would not hear another word from him. all he had to do is shut up and continue to breathe. Now we are all paying the price for that failure to cull the herd.. And we will continue to pay that price for several years. NOONE outside his gene pool wants him to run for President unless that campaign impels him to resign his present post, i hope, I hope, I hope.

9 years ago

Mr Grahmnesty is the phony right-wing who shows up on CFR Ruperts Fox often…
best friend is McCain -- says it all

Fed up
Fed up
9 years ago

Lindsey Gram is a politician and an idiot of course. The guy doing this video is also an idiot. If he can’t give his opinion with out using the F word several times then this ass clown needs to go back to journalism school and learn how to speak to an audience. The military budget has been reduced several times and the amount of troops, planes, ships and other military “stuff” is at pre WW2 levels while the world goes into more trouble and the world wars increase. Is some of the American logistics misused? Yes. But the world will miss America when it is gone which will be soon at the current reduction rate. Did Lindsey actually say he is calling for a military dictatorship? No. Is Obama? He would like some kind of National police force as has has already stated. Wouldn’t that be close to a military dictatorship? Yes. Shut this guy up and impeach Obama.