How sick to your stomach does Lindsey Graham make you?
— John Rich🇺🇸 (@johnrich) February 15, 2025
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Hey, my friends in South Carolina, time to recall this faggot RINO criminal.
Yes Lindsay Graham is a RINO and needs to go. I think his term is up in 2026 so I hope the people of South Carolina kick him to the curb!
I follow Rich on X. I’m kind of interested in the bank he’s starting. Rich tells the story of before the election he shared a table for dinner at Mara A Lago At the table were PDT, Rich, and Lindsey Graham. Graham came right out, with his pinky extended on the glass of wine he was holding, and accused Rich of being a conspiracy theorist. Rich ripped him a new one right in front of PDT.
When Miss Lindsey says he’s proud to have this grifter as an ally he means he’s made Lindsey and his donors tons of money. I’m thinking DOGE is going to catch up with this clown sooner or later.
disgusting warmonger
Maybe Russia will indict him.
Americans have always leaned towards rooting for the underdog, identifying with someone who is fighting the playground bully. Someone please buy Zelensky a suit off the rack so the poor underdog can appear in something other than the tee shirt he sports all the time. His attire is sending a subliminal message to the sheeple in that he is too poor and busy fighting the “bully” to have time to shop. Yes, Lindsay Graham apparently is still working for Biden/Obama.
He will look GREAT in a GITMO orange jumpsuit.
He’d look even better in a hole in the ground, coated generously with quicklime to keep to stench down. So would the other guy in the picture, for that matter.
Let’s put him on the ballot for the upcoming Ukraine presidential election, and strip him of his passport. END of problem.