Lindsey Graham Is Still A Deep State Stooge

Lindsey Graham outlines his questions for witnesses testifying in the Senate concerning the FISA applications starting at the 10 minute mark in the above video.

Here are the real questions to ask these witnesses if Graham wanted the truth:

1. Did you read Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s report questioning the authenticity of the Steele dossier prior to the signing of the first FISA warrent to spy on Carter Page?

2. Why did you ignore this report questioning the dossier’s authenticity?

3. Why was the Kavalec report not submitted to the FISA court? Who suppressed it?

4. Why was Carter Page not reported to be a CIA asset to the FISA court?

5. Did you know that the FBI tampered with the documentation submitted to the FISA court concerning Carter Page’s CIA connection?

6. Why did you not alert the FISA court about the above lies and omissions?

7. Why was President Trump not briefed on this matter from its onset?

8. Was Obama overseeing this operation?

9. Who in the Obama administration was involved in this operation?

10. Why was this information not part of the Mueller investigation?

But the real question for the federal government is even more simple: why has no one been arrested for these documented crimes?

David DeGerolamo

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Chimp Nutzhanger
Chimp Nutzhanger
5 years ago


Garry F. Owen, Trooper
Garry F. Owen, Trooper
5 years ago

Been wary of Grahamnesty since his days as a Congresscritter who represented our district. He served as a House Manager during the impeachment of Slick Willie. The Demoncrats never went after him, and I have always wondered why. Then we watch his rise in the Senate and his seemingly unbreakable bond with John McCain. No matter what else he is, he is always a political animal.

Timothy E. Tucker
Timothy E. Tucker
5 years ago

Having conversations in my family, he’s referred to as “Flimsey Graham”, seems to get the point across in the low country. TET.