I never thought that Hootie and the Blowfish were our enemy.
Imagine a US Senator not knowing how to pronounce “Houthi” even though the woman who asked the question did pronounce it correctly seconds earlier. Do you remember this admonishment from Samuel Adams:
If ever a shoe fit so perfectly…
David DeGerolamo
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Graham is a soulless warmonger. He needs a helicopter--to drop him off (in Russia so he can take on Putin personally) or to drop him out.
Same difference.
So. Carolinians and Americans in general deserve everything that’s coming to them for constantly re-electing this malignant maggot of a (purportedly) human being.
Used to live in SC, 15 years, I voted for him in his last election simply because the Socialist alternative was far worse. The state Repub party leaders will not challenge or primary Lindsey.
For those that say don’t vote, the problem if real SC conservatives didn’t vote you would get the Socialist (Jamie something who now runs the DNC). Overall its a shame and yes I still question my vote.
I think the military should make a special rule to enable this senator to be eligible for the draft. Then draft his a__ to Afghanistan.
Why don’t we know what to about Graham? What is the procedure to remove him from office. Don’t say vote.
He has been the Military industrial Mafia’s bitch all his life. A worthless lawyer who has been the leech of society all his life always on tax payers dime!
Right up there with (((Chuck “Lizard Face” Schumer))).
don’t forget Adam “Shifty”
Graham is a warmongering degenerate. Those in his district should hang their heads in SHAME.
Include him in the hanging. It’s trim the tree time.
What makes you sure South Carolinians are voting for him. Did Joe really get 81 million votes.
you do have a valid argument there, DB!
How the people of Graham’s state keep electing this closet-pansy is completely beyond my comprehension. The man (loosely termed) is a complete psychopath. God help the world if this kook, this raving lunatic ever got hold of the nuclear football.
Follow the MONEY. Graham KEEPS the Federal DOLLARS flowing freely to HIS Big Supporters.
It’s a SELECTION, NOT an Election.
That and if you’ve watched this idiot for years, He is Washingtons TRIAL BALLOON Dude. The Court Jester you might say.
ANYTIME DC is thinking of a maybe really stupid action they have the “Honorable” (Spit) Lindsey Graham to spew it over the Media.
Then they watch for reactions. I NOTE that Graham has NEVER been called on the carpet in his DECADES of Gov.com Jester actions.
He’s their useful idiot, getting BIG Bucks for the Job. His net worth reports are all over the place from a mere 1 million (LOL) to 105 million. I guess never getting a Trump style audit has its blessings.
Graham is just typical of what passes for “leadership” in Washington these days, both elected and unelected. If we the people fail to do our duty and immediately find a way to restore constitutional government with limited powers, then I believe our “leaders” will soon bring about the absolute destruction of our nation in their relentless quest for control of the entire world.
Rising foreign powers have had enough of our arrogant, bully-boy, American empire and are challenging American supremacy all over the globe. They have rising economic and military power while American economic and military power is in steep decline. And that is due to the failed policies of our “leadership,” all of whom are destroying our nation from their positions of power in Washington.
Either we the people find a way to remove the arrogant and evil psychopaths that now hold the reins of power in Washington, or our foreign enemies most assuredly will.
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