Listen to What Experts Are Saying

I have seen many articles from low level medical “experts” who are downplaying the coronavirus pandemic. As anything, do your own research and make valid decisions and plans.

As an example, a doctor on Foxnews this morning recommended holding off buying masks at this time. Think about this fact: there are no N95 masks available in the country now. With most news being propaganda and censored, what other indicators can be used to make critical decisions? Look at the world stock markets and the price of gold. The banks make decisions based on facts and their intelligence networks are extensive.

David DeGerolamo

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5 years ago

David -- -- Here are some other references on the “Kung Fu Flu”:

All of these sites are excellent and timely.

The video of DR Chris Martensen is excellent. Saw it yesterday and am glad to see you sending it out for all to learn about the cover-up by governments of this pandemic.

Just wait and see what this disease does to Africa where over one million Chinese live and work !

So far, the disease hasn’t hit Fiji, Guam, The Maldives, Diego Garcia, The Falklands, The Outer Hebrides, Antarctica, Epstein island and Woebamaz plantation home by the sea…..(Did I miss any..?)

5 years ago

I have had a considerable amount of hazmat training and response, and I feel confident in saying that N95 masks are only a ‘feel good’ measure to protect the wearer if the Wuhan virus can be transmitted via the eyes. Realistically, the only benefit of the N95s and similar masks is to have infected persons wear them in hopes they will not communicate the virus to others via coughing or sneezing.

5 years ago

Amazon has 7 pages of N95 masks available at 60 sellers per page. Page 1 has 2 sellers with not available stock.
WebMed shows 6,600 deaths for this season’s flu with 39 being children. Odds of getting the common flu range from 5 to 20%. According to Marc Siegal, MD (Faux News contributor) odds of getting coronavirus in the U.S. are close to zero.
See comment one. Focus on not getting the “flu”. We get too excited about diseases with exotic names and forget about the lethality of the “common flu”.

5 years ago

My friend is an ER nurse in Martinsburg WV said Corona Virus there 2-3 months ago. Hype is bigger problem than virus.

5 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Maybe it is different. If further info obtained, will post.
Seems bad shit always gets a lot of help.
The plot thickens:

a follower
a follower
5 years ago
Reply to  Thomas

Been seeing and hearing this also:
If True this doesn’t change much. The spirit world is busy, ramping up death, and Tribulations.
To what end, why are the horseman released, why are the vials opened?
So much going on (other than impeachment)
3rd. temple news, “peace treaty” earthquakes,volcanoes,solar flares….
So much Pride pettiness and hatred on display daily.
We have been warned.