Senator Marco Rubio panics as State Department Secretary Victoria Nuland reveals there are Biolabs in Ukraine. Upon answering a question he did not ask, Rubio shifts to speculating about a future false-flag attack conducted by the Russians.
Can you see the approaching false flag coming from our fraudulent government? While the Deep State continues its mantra of Russia, Russia, Russia, the rest of the world is turning on the United States and they will not differentiate between the evil government and the people in our country who traded honor and Liberty for 30 pieces of silver.
David DeGerolamo
Yes, no, maybe… regarding your last statement.
We Americans discussed regular Canadian citizens and the government they tolerate a few weeks ago. Ditto Oz, few other places these last 2 years, to say the least.
We recognize its not necessarily the fault of the people. Yes, it is to a degree, but more nuanced than the black and white you paint (ask any J6 defendant). While you can distill the argument down to a binary selection, the realities of living in the world of today, not the one we would like, dictate a more nuanced response. We are in the formative stages of that, its not “Damn the torpedoes” time, unless you’re looking to sink your ship?
The people of the world ARE waking up to what is going on, what has gone on, and are starting to see what is trying to be pepretrated against them (aka false flag). The media has no credibility with the average person anymore, but they still cling to the vestiges of what they knew in their past life. They have not embraced new foundations yet… so stop trying to piss in their corn flakes! You’re like the preacher that berates his flock weekly than wonders why attendance is declining. Be the beacon, not the bitch.
I tried to encourage people to prepare for the future that is now upon us. I tried and still try to encourage people to turn back to God, live a moral life and help to rebuild a better world for our children. People see and hear what they want. I do not depend on a congregation’s acceptance for how I live. If you do not believe what I have said is the truth, I do not mind if your attendance is lost.
I wonder how Jesus, the apostles or any true Christian would react to someone who berated their telling of the truth. You may want to consider that the truth will edify people to build and embrace stronger foundations.
I find it uncomfortable to be pulling for the enemy of my country and hoping my country loses and is defeated. Then I remember that it’s not my country that I want destroyed, but the government that is ruling over us that I want destroyed. Perhaps it’s better to consider what will happen when the US government is destroyed as a liberation of sorts. Surely my great grandfather who returned from the War of Northern Aggression with a Yankee ball in his knee would consider it such.
You were the man who told me that you would no longer vote for the lesser of two evils over ten years ago. I thought about that for about a month and stopped voting. The people still vote for the lesser of two evils and look the consequences.
This government is fraudulent and evil. I pray for the people of this land to recognize and stop supporting evil. While we are told by our government that Russia is our enemy, I have to consider how that impacts our course of action. But that is not a high priority for me. I would rather fight evil that we have accepted in our country because God fearing people have no other choice. Accepting this government is a sin against God as supporting and accepting any evil is a sin.
I do not want this fight. I will fight for our people and I will fight against evil. I did not want to delineate between the government and the people. We are told that this is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Lincoln was only one of many who stated that but it is not true today. Our lack of Faith and moral decay are the main reasons that we are here.
I do still vote … for sheriff. Where we are in the Ozarks we have a fine one. He will not tolerate BLM or ANTIFA and is willing to deputize all able bodied men to protect our county. There’s comfort in that. But you are correct, as usual, on our need to call out, confront, and combat the evil. Our sheriff recently explained that we are to face our enemies and take the fight directly to them if they threaten. I miss you and my other NC brothers, but the Ozarks offers fewer people and little diversity. God fearing hillbillies, for the most part. Good dirt people. My kind. God bless and keep you, brother.
There is not difference. We the People allowed all this to happen.
Marco Rubio has been and is a deep state POS, it is not hard to see this as is most of the uniparty in DC. We cannot click our heels together three times and return to the lost Republic. You can prep till the cows come home, this will not change a thing, the 2nd amendment is the only way out of this. Yea I know we cannot organize 2 people that would make a stand, who do we start killing and all the rest of questions. Well then it is only going to get much worse, you think the Nazis are only in Ukraine? Their main camp is DC.
Last night Fox News highlighted interviews and comments from FBI Director Christopher Wray, CIA Director Burnes and none other than Adam Schiff regarding their knowledge of a coming cyber attack .Of course coming from the Russians.
See a pattern here?
yes, that was aired on Fox News, the propagandist channel.
I say again, the system is corrupt. Everyone in the system is corrupt. The higher up one goes, the bigger the crook and the bigger the crimes. I read sometime ago that Rubio had been compromised by the Saudis. Along with Gen. Petraeus. I think the General now works as a lobbyist for a corporation with big business in Saudi Arabia.