DJT, if he remains in office, will be hamstrung by people from both “sides” who fight him at every turn. Is he corrupt? Absolutely. He’s a NY businessman who knows how to get shix done, you don’t do ANYTHING in NY without greasing wheels. I have thoroughly enjoyed his unabashed bashing of the deep state and the media (but I repeat myself) and I voted for him and would again….but he was AT BEST a stopgap.
They. Won’t. Stop.
They mean to have a socialist state where you can’t take a piss without permission from some office. We have GOT TO get our minds right because none of us but those who were in combat know what ugly truly looks like.
I don’t know how it’ll begin, you don’t either. It’ll start slowly and then quickly expand. You’ll hear of some disturbances and then perhaps a bank holiday and then the stores will empty… and if you are not already in place you will be in for a hard hard time.
Kinetic. It’s going there eventually. And unlike TV it’ll be among friends and family right in your own neighborhoods. There won’t be uniforms, there won’t be lines. Only confusion and stress.
From the comments on another site:
You are going to have to shoot and kill Communists.
Some of those people you will know.
If you can’t discipline yourself to cut carbs and go ruck a couple of times per week, how are you going to shoot Aunt Sally, who leads the Feral Migrant Importation Cabal in your community?
Harden your hearts.
Toughen your bodies.
But first, get your mind right.
I have learned recently that I am not as mentally strong as I thought, but each step, each tragedy brings you closer to being able to switch it on and off. My mother was diagnosed with lung cancer February 2018. She was already stage 4 and chose not to treat it. This past year mentally stressed me like nothing I have previously lived through. She passed In January and while I am better every day, I am not over it by any stretch. It was awful. I cherish every moment, even the bad ones, but my mind was tested and my steel was forged and refined …. and it is a painful process.
During all of this I had plenty of food, great shelter and no one was trying to kill me. Yet I was seeing the stress become physically devastating. Thought provoking now that I think of it. My sleep was disrupted, my body ached and I was beset by cold after cold plus strep, pneumonia and flu, even after getting a flu and pneumonia shot. Stress kills. Stress pushes those who love you to their limits. Stress causes you to close yourself in and shut your family and tribe out. Stress is what will bring down more people than bullets.
And while it WAS stressful compared to my normal life, it is NOTHING like the stress Selco experienced or any soldier from the war of Northern Aggression was subjected to. We think we’re all badasses….while some may be genuine door kickin’ bad mofos most of us are simply …. not. We all have it in us to rise to the circumstances we face I believe, but the learning curve or transition is going to be a lot tougher than we suppose.
What can you do to mitigate this? I’m not Dr. Phil, but one thing is to train our lizard brain to do the things it can to leave our primate brain to contemplate higher tasks. Train, learn and repetitively do the things to pound weapon manipulation into your “no need to think” area. Learn to change mags, dot on target squeeze and move, use cover and react to contact without needing to “think” about it. Train your brain.
Learn to run your tractor, move through the woods, operate your radio, start a fire and read faces (and hands) with your lizard brain, make it automatic. Then your stress will be more manageable and your higher brain will have more time to process more complicated thought processes.
I recently got some friends to commit their money and time to a monthly group training. This is not my tribe, just a loose group of trusted people. We rented an outdoor range and have a standing appointment monthly. We will be refreshing everything from basics to IDPA style matches, 2 gun to long range training. We will have pros come and refresh combat casualty care and team movement. We are training our lizard brains and keeping them tuned. In between is self training, dry fire from draw, IDPA, plinking rubber bounce targets, shooting eggs at 200 with my rimfire and on and on it goes.
Don’t pull that “I took a class with xxx back in 2014” BS, if you are not doing this stuff regularly you are wrong. Period.
Physical fitness … if your body is weak, you are weak. Mosby pounds this like a drum but if you are not in condition you are wrong. Read the book by Jack Donovan, The Way Of Men and understand that he who does more is worth more and that there is a difference between being a good man and being good at being a man.
While this will help with stress, it will not prevent it. Prepare yourself, try to get your mind right. Practice self control. While many may not agree, pray. Pray for help and for wisdom and strength. Like praying for patience however … it comes through trials.
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.
Romans 8:6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace
Psalm 18:39 For You have girded me with strength for battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.
Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight
We are about to experience the biggest paradigm shift in human history. It is going to require more than we ever thought possible and will be unlike anything that has come to this land since 1861. There will be a Remnant.
What replaces the former USA? I don’t know. But it is dead and is not coming back. I know it’s cliche, but a bad wind this way blows.
Get. Your. Mind. Right.
Tick Tock.
[…] Lizard Brains, Stress, and Coping with the Decline of FUSA […]
i seldom post to sites, usually there is so much bickering and personal attacks however i felt compelled to make mention to you that your article touched me. I have been contemplating much if not all of what your wrote about the self inventory. However the reminders of preparation, rote routine, well, that is convicting and makes tremendous sense. It falls in line with how i try to teach my boy. I tell him to just do, by repetition and habit, then when you are stressed about this or that, the small things will be as simple as walking. I am old, had not planned on dressing for battle at this stage, don’t want it. Just want to live and let live, but as i told my wife, don’t expect me to board a cattle car ever, for any reason at all. Concession, peace, saving lives, etc. There is a line, even with comfortable law abiding middle class whitey. Also i appreciate the call to prayer, i personally can’t see any reason to care or continue without my faith in Christ. To me, absence of morality is purposeless, just another side of the same coin. self. Don’t feel obliged to post this, meant for you personally as a thanks and a resonance that you are in fact reaching some. best
You have touched me this morning. God be with you brother.
I’m with Red, thanks for putting it in words better than I could. I’m as ready as can be mostly, but I’d rather see Christ return before the sportiness. This isn’t my home, Eternity is.
Great article. Well Done.
Very nicely written! Having watched my late wife deteriorate from Stage 4 cancer, I can appreciate your point about the stress. Actually, working out was an important part of my coping. She actively encouraged me to head off for some training up in WV, both for the long term purpose but also just to give me something else to focus on.
From her first diagnosis she was comfortable that all would happen in God’s timing, and I have to take the same attitude about our present cultural circumstances. Ultimately, God is sovereign and I trust Him to work out His will for the best (for believers), even though we might not understand. When JJS did his series on the coming Christian underground, I mentioned this to my pastor. He calmly said he expected to go to prison for preaching the gospel if he lives long enough. Others will choose different options. Defending the innocent vs loving one’s enemies may get confusing, but a good conscience + His grace will get me apolthrough it.
Is there a link to that series?
Well Said Brother…Wish we lived closer so I could of been more of a help in your times of trouble…
Me too my friend.
This is indeed the truth. I never saw combat, but I am a retired vet. Everything comes down to TRAINING until it becomes muscle memory. It’s like when you’re driving and someone steps out in front of you; you evade; you don’t even think about it.
Stress will indeed kill a lot of people in the coming times. It will affect us all. At least like-minded folks like us are THINKING about all the what-ifs. Pity those future victims of normalcy bias. They won’t have a chance…
Your Mom; she’s where we all hope to be when God’s work through us on Earth is done. Rejoice!
My condolences for your loss. I lost my Mom in June 2018 due to pulmonary fibrosis. Not painful, the lungs lose their elasticity and you fight to breath until the effort to do so gives you heart failure. She fought it well for two years and didn’t feel sorry for herself -- she was right with God and her passing to us was more of a relief -- the last few weeks were brutal. She was still joking around until the very end -- she was an awesome Mom and I hope I am half the parent to my kids as she was to me.
Yeah, people are truly losing their minds. I’ve seen former friends decide to throw it away because they disagree with politics -- what’s up with that ? A reasoned discussion -- no way, he/she voted for Trump -- F Them ! Just really sad but there you go. I don’t know where we lost that ‘Live and Let Live’ and go on from there.
Unlike you, I haven’t written off the USA and yes, I’ll do whatever it takes to protect myself and my family from the red scourge that is liberalism. But, I don’t stress about it. At least not anymore. I’m resolved to accept what is, and prepare accordingly.
This was a great post! Thanks for it!
I am very sorry to learn of your loss.
Please understand what I write below is not meant as criticism. This is radical stuff and I am glad I finally learned it. In spite of the acknowledgement I get from all my close family members about how different I now am, I have succeeded in getting zero of them to learn this path. It’s just too radical. Or is it?
There is an alternative way to manage stress. Simply put, it is learning to recognize it as what it is (self inflicted) and then teaching yourself in a very permanent way that you don’t have to do that to yourself. The traditional Western path to this is through religion (“let go and let God”) but I learned it by hanging out with the Buddhists, for which I am ever grateful.
Fighting stress, resisting it, or even channeling its power will not reduce it. Why? Because all of those reactions acknowledge it as something real. The truth is, it exists only in your mind. It is entirely of your own creation. It may be a reaction to external events, but the stress you feel is something you actively do. Learning to recognize when you are doing it (I am recognizing this almost constantly, still) enables you to experience it as an observer and not a participant.
Happiness is something you carry around with you everywhere you go. You only have to remember it’s there. You don’t have to accept things as they are, all the time forever. You only have to accept things as they are RIGHT NOW. It’s not passive, even though it sounds passive. It actually frees you to accomplish more. That’s how it worked for me. I am more loving and caring, and when I think of my mom I always smile. ( I am also a much better shooter, MUCH better).
Be well, friend.
Good stuff here. Self-examination and improvement are a lifelong effort and we all need to be good at with what is coming to us. Thanks for the insight, and rejoice that your mother has escaped this place while things are still peaceful.
Four factors that I learned in college that will deteriorate your health: stress, lack of sleep, alcohol and cold temperatures. The professor gave an example of how to go down quickly: If you are stressing over grades, do not get drunk, go on top of your dorm’s roof and stay awake all night in the middle of winter.
Winter is coming for the world’s economy and our government. Let the rebirth of our faith and morally usher in the next Spring.
Sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and yours.
Here is one that I often contemplate, perhaps a comfort to you.
Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one’s birth.
As I sit here, waiting on my dad to die, I read this article and comments. The stress that is imminente can be devistating. I would put forward to those who say “no treatment, just let me die”, should sit with someone through that ordeal. There is so much the weak minded folks do not know or would want to know, that would be such a wake up call for them. I visited Dachau in 1976 and was forever changed. I see the “Fourth Reich” rising and say beware… If you say I’ll trust God to see me through these situations then fine, I believe the same way. I believe God has given some of us the fortitude to allow those who want to “get on the cattle cars”,( be they trains, busses, tractor trailer cars like the army transported us troops in), to go to their own demise. Then there are those of us who would not and suffer the consequences of our decision. Look to the past and see what is to come. Name them… world wars, civil wars, korea, vietnam, ruby ridge, waco, OK city, world trade towers… and many more, I’m sure folks can name… Wake Up… Set your feet where you want to stand and prepare your mind and body to deal with it.
Thanks for all you who share the wake up call…
I am so sorry brother. As you know, there are not many human words that comfort.
My mother was brave, so very brave. They told her 6 months without treatment, maybe 8 with aggressive chemo and all of the sickness that comes with it. She chose to have her last months with all her hair and feeling as good as possible. She made it 11 months.
I absolutely went through the hardest time mentally I have ever experienced. If you have never held a person who is dying over months, that you love, your mother…father…a child…then you cannot understand.
I lost my dad the same way back in 1990, except it took 8 years with every treatment possible. He went from a 180lb healthy man to a 90lb shell during that time. Cancer sucks.
God. Is. Sovereign.
He is without doubt in control, we all must die and I prayed January 1 of 2018 for God to prep me, the man, for what was coming. Mama was diagnosed in February. I deal with that too, and I wonder what if I had not prayed that prayer and meant it to my core…
God will have a Remnant.
I hope and pray you find the peace that passes all understanding.
Yes, Thank you for your prayers. I find comfort in the soverignty of our Father and know he will answer our prayers, even before the prayer is spoken or known. Remnants through out history have persevered.
Favorite scriptures: The whole Bible… Some verses speak louder than others…
As He leads us, and we listen to Him we learn to Trust Him and give thanks each day.
“Fourth Reich” rising. Absolutely,
or have we been living here unknowingly? i am rereading, Bonhoeffer, Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy.
When i first read this(the Obama years) things were bad and i saw the relevance. With Trump, and the path the world is on, This book and the series of events are unmistakable.
” Thanks for all you who share the wake up call…”
my 3rd. wake up call was a series of events, and as i paid attention, the days of my youth and notable happenings all began to make more sense.
a small part of what turned me back to Him; i was driving through (what used to be farmland) to a prepper meeting. i saw all the oblivious people , and began thinking of the loss.
In recent days, have been led here: And this is not about ‘just’ Israel the place, (the country) so named by men. This is prophecy from Amos,9
Look, the eyes of the master Yahuah are on the sinful reign, and I shall destroy it from the face of the earth, except that, I do not completely destroy the house of Jacob,”declares Yahuah. For look, I am commanding, and I shall sift with a sieve, yet not a grain falls to the ground.
10. All the sinners of My people (His people) are going to die by the sword, those who are saying,
‘Evil does not overtake us nor meet us.’
Verse 10? We should see the course of this world, and prepare accordingly. Spiritually first, and the rest may follow.
Being a realist, I ask how will things happen… Father led me to review Gill Broussard’s dissertation. I can see things happening in that manner. I wouldn’t go somewhere unless devinly led. I’ve been led to deal with things where I’m at. A few years ago, I was having breakfast on a beach in Hawaii and realized I wouldn’t want to be there when things go out of control. I figured to deal with whatever, where ever I would be. It is paradise but lots of people. Now, in the Ozarks, lots of tics and chiggers, people too, same thing.Just have to learn how to get along and fish… Share and teach others how to fish as well.
Fellow follower,
I just researched, “Bonhoeffer, Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy”. Looks like I have some reading to do…
Several years ago,10, I helped a young lady, 85, who lived through the war in Germany. She was a German, and the live testomies of what went on was grievious. It was not only the persecution of “Jews”, but of anyone who was not in compliance. My visit to Dachau quickened my spirit, as soon as crossing through the gates, against tryannical governments abuse of authority. Today, I see it as any abuse of authority, given or taken, of anyone over anyone. Who has the right to abuse or do harm to another for whatever reason that could be conjured up in the mind of humankind.
I enjoyed reviewing Amos again. It will get a thorough read today.
Hitler masqueraded as a Christian and attacked them from within. The world seems to focus on the Jews. There were many who stood in the Truth and would not comply. Many revealing Quotes contained within this book.
“It’s been our misfortune to have the wrong religion. Why didn’t we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for the Fatherland as the highest good? The Mohammedan religion too would have been much more compatible to us than Christianity. Why did it have to be Christianity with its meekness and flabbiness?-- Adolf Hitler
Your reply above on Hawaii. There are no coincidences.
Hawaii is the second place in my life that had a great impact and a meaning. i was there courtesy of the navy in the 80’s.
This (wake up call) happened because of a group of us partying all day on a beach around Fort derussy and well into the night.
Looking back and taking an acct. is how i have been led to pinpoint certain very significant events.
We have chiggers and ticks in Indiana also,mosquitoes Blood sucking parasites, everywhere. World stage,
How appropriate, chuckle.
Like today… We see all these political players lined up to draw in their favorite followers via anything they can promise. The sucker minions line up for their fix. So as with the gambling house, the folks in control are playing everyone at the table and the simple winners are fixed with the win. All the players are being played like a puppet. Who was puppeting Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini… etc… Those same puppteers are playing to maintain control of all the worlds political population and people population.
Me thinks we are free until me feel the resistance of our shackles…
Stay safe, stay healthy… put your oxygen mask on first… enjoy the ride…
me thinks, i recognise some spurgeon in there.
That is another amazing man. i my opinion.
Many fine Christ-men here. Thank you.
Regarding our nation, I have one word.
smack in the middle and ground zero for the deadly wound to the one world beast before the false Christ appears.
He told us the end from the beginning ala the 1st prophecy in the Word; Genesis 3:15.
The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the spirit John 3:8.
Nothing good is ever lost.
am not sure how all of this plays out literally. i do not figure any of us do.
Some think a man will physically be shot or wounded world stage. Perhaps even if it is for show?
Many see this beast as a resurrection (after a deadly wound many years ago) once again of the “holy” roman empire will rise up. i believe many are revealing it has, and is.
i believe we find ourselves in this empire right now.
i find my self led to believe more in this scenario.
i do believe the usa, the uk. were both receivers of the Birthright Promise and we through time have forgotten and allowed God to be removed and taken for granted.
Judah, was reciever of the scepter promise, they too have lost their way.
When i saw and realized that “Jerusalem upon this earth was as much carried away by the Gay Pride events and parades……
Jerusalem ‘above’ is our mother
King James Bible
“But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.”
This earth and what has been built seems most likely an opposite of what is His desire and His will.
This book is i my opinion one of the best on the holy roman empire. It is free, and also online if you wish. i like to hold a book in my hand.
i do not hold with everything presented on most sites or from men, so rely on the Holy Spirit for discernment in all matters.
And it is good to meet others who are also seeking His Truth.
Amen, repeatedly He said “let no man decieve you…” MK13, Mt24, Lu21, we can read.
Off to work taking care of others loved ones at the nursing home, they teach me and humble me. Keep me in your prayers to do the best for them.
Good evening and blessings to all you contribitors on this commentary
It is good to discuss the things shared here. We find ourselves procuring information to give understanding to the times we are in. This has been the thing, throughout history, that folks have done and utilized to preserve their families. Preparing our minds with history and appling the winning scenerio to our life will prevail.
The scriptures gives us a lot of history to draw from. Why those stories, people, places, and times… Very significant in the soverign understanding of our Father who orchestrated the beginning to the end. 1Co 15:22-28 is a bit of info that I see to be a light on things to come. ( I’ll have to look at the rest of the chapter for it’s context to the whole chapter), but I look at the light overview of Rev. 20, and can put together the picture of the events to come. Where are we in this time line and who are we in this picture. Seeing this as here and now, and putting the timeline and events into perspective, helps to eliminates a lot of confusion as to the “end time” scenieros put forth today.
May our Father bless you all in your understanding…