Lobbyists – Richard Burr Example

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General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 month ago

The cash and the jobs for family members is just the tip of the iceberg. It goes way deeper than that. It involves gold coins and bullion delivered to the homes of these fecks. Foreign bank accounts. No work jobs once they leave office at some law firm doing nothing but collecting checks. Tuition and scholarships covered for their children. Not to mention bags of cash literally delivered to their homes.

Let’s look at this 2o million dollar book deal for Vice President Harris that is on the table…. no way is a publishing company offering he 20 million hondos for a book deal. There is no way to recoup that money off of such a book. This deal is structured most likely from some outside backer/s who are putting up the money though the publishing company. It is irrelevant if the book makes a profit or not--this is not the point. The point is that the 20 million gets into the pocket of Harris as payoffs for favors rendered or to be rendered. This is how it’s done--along with the 1/2 million dollar speaking fees and positions on boards drawing salaries in the millions for doing nothing. This is how the payola flows FYI.

1 month ago

Is there a transcript of Gaetz’ entire statement ?
Please provide link if you have one. Thanks.

1 month ago

Quit calling it lobbying and call it what it is . . . bribery!
We need to change the language and call it what it is. BRIBERY! We need to quit calling them lobbyists and call them what they are. Crooks who are offering bribes. We need to make it illegal for these people to operate.

1 month ago

I suppose Tillis took Burr’s spot under the $ piggy.
NC has serious problems at the State level with the Repubs as well. Got Another democRat Governor, atty gen?, and no longer a super majority in the legislature.
GA is different in specifics but overall Repubs are in low esteem due to their malfeasance and incompetence.
And these elected buffoons are oblivious that democrats are gaining in local and state positions of power.
Same for VA, last election too, winning the down ballot races.