Lockdowns Forever, Forever Locked Down

There is only one recourse now.

Civil Disobedience Starts Here

As COVID-19 cases increase, the Los Angeles County public health director is threatening – yes, that’s the right word – another indoor mask mandate. It’s a hob-nailed boot on the neck. Angelenos need to resist, for themselves and the rest of the country.

“As COVID cases and other viruses continue to rise, the Southland is inching closer to a mask mandate,” the Los Angeles CBS affiliate reported Sunday. Barbara Ferrer, the county director of public health, who is not a physician, not a nurse, not even a paper shuffler at a doctor’s office, but a social welfarist, said last week that “masking” is one of several “commonsense mitigation strategies” that “remains a very sensible approach.”

Do please note that “and other viruses” business. That’s what’s known in poker-playing circles as a “tell.” If I need to explain to you just what I mean by that, you aren’t tall enough for this ride, and should leave immediately to go seek out something to read that’s more your speed.

Don’t mistake mask mandates as harmless cases of officials acting in an abundance of caution or just covering their backsides, as government always does. Mask mandates are open displays of outright meanness, a manifestation of authoritarian urges to control others. There is no data, no reputable research that tells us mask mandates works.

In fact, the data tells the opposite. Yet officials such as Ferrer and the Sacramento schools chamberlains are insisting that masks must go back on. It’s no coincidence that the madness is starting in a state where personal freedoms are routinely tread upon as if they’re gifts that can be handed down by the government rather than God-given.

People who think this way are dangerous.

Only as dangerous as We The People permit them to be, and not a jot or tittle more. Never, ever forget that.

But what about those N95 respirators recommended by Washington? What if everyone wore one of those? First, if we did, we would look like monsters from a cheesy apocalyptic science fiction movie and yet at the same time like a herd of faint-hearted cowards. But foremost, they don’t work, either.

“Researchers at Canada’s McMaster University … found no statistically significant difference in protection between” the cloth coverings that “offer ‘the least’ protection and N95 respirators,” Just the News reports.

More than two years of experience clearly indicate that “Masks Still Don’t Work,” says the headline of an article written by Jeffrey Anderson, former director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics at the U.S. Justice Department, posted in City Journal in August.

“The best scientific evidence continues to suggest that masks don’t work,” says Anderson. “Meantime, the public-health establishment continues to ignore that evidence. Public-health officials also remain almost completely blind to masks’ profoundly adverse effects on human interaction and quality of life.”

As I have vehemently insisted from the very start of this shit-circus, it really shouldn’t matter to any Real American who values what pitiful, tatterdemalion shreds of freedom he has left whether they “work” or they don’t. There can be but one and only one issue here, one central criterion that of right ought to override absolutely every other concern: FREEDOM.

Read The Whole Article Here…

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
2 years ago

I got fired from a career-level position for not wearing a face diaper. I will do it again. God honors bravery, in my case I had a new job within 2 days. Never give into these psychopaths.

2 years ago

BARBARA FERRER.. Just how much security do you think she has???

2 years ago

Unfortunately the pandemic showed us just how few of the newer generations hate freedom.
The rest of the populace knows the costs of war and doesn’t appear to have the stomach for it.
Unless we have our Brazil moment, it looks like we’ll have to hope to win by default after the collapse.

2 years ago

Some thoughts on the “mask” subject.

Early on, long before there was any sort of mandate, and I am talking at the height of the unknown and fear, people started wearing them as a caution for themselves. A friend of mine, who Wes might recognize, who goes by the name wolfpack65 actually made some, sewed together kits that were comfortable and didn’t bind to the ears, etc, and sent me some. I was honored by the kindness and generosity. And then the “gosh darn” mandates kicked in and resistance became the word of the day.
Resistance. I was at a store and the stupid clerk insisted I put one in to ring me up claiming the “governor” had mandated it. My response, F**k the governor (@dr, I don’t mean to be profane just accurate).

At work I got called into a meeting for ‘ non compliance” because the dumb thing I wore slipped beneath my nose. My response, i wore a shemagh figuring the idiots were too woke to say something. I was right. I was also in a meeting with a coworker I’ll call C. My shemagh was uncomfortable and kept slipping. She finally said, take that off and took her own off too. It was nice to see her face.I said just don’t let E see you like thst, who was the one that called me on the carpet, and C got up and closed the conference room door. Resistance.

I would go to the store with my fearful parents and they’d dutifully slap one on. Mark worms and all be damned. I remember my dad saying, doesn’t he need a mask and my mother saying, he don’t wear it. I remember her trying to hand me one and wadding it up,and putting it in my pocket. No, I will not obey.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

Submission and compliance. 2+2=5

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

The reaction of people to the masking situation was very telling for me. It crushed a lot of the hopes I had for the population at large. I don’t even wish to try to save them, let them go. The depth and breadth of the differences in our population will not allow us to come together. For better or worse its time to let kalifornia be kalifornia, and say goodbye to all those crazy kalifornians. Look at the mask issue. How many friends, relatives, people you formerly respected… totally changed your opinion of them, didn’t it? Got news for ya, they think differently about you now, too. Truly a polarizing subject, facts and dcience have nothing yo do with it for either side -- we would resist out of principles of freedom, they would comply with anything if told to by goobermint. Then look at you and me squirrely-eyed asking “why won’t you get into the box car?”
I do not see this union holding, nor do I think it should, frankly. You are so determined to live that way, think that way, act that way? Have at it. Over there…

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Been disobedient since the day they concocted this charade.
Been fighting. Trying to get people to focus upon the True Gospel. Trying to show people how we have been led astray.
Been the opposite of a coward.
Preparing for the worst. Hoping for the best.
Does not mean people will listen nor see what we are warning them of. Warning them is our mission. we were not sent to break them nor drag them kicking and screaming into the Light.
Watchman are sent to warn. Not to impede their own will. Judgement and discipline are here and more is coming.
This is from Hebrews 12
5 And you have forgotten the appeal which speaks to you as to sons, “My son, do not despise the discipline of YAWEH, nor faint when you are reproved by Him, 6 for whom YAWEH loves, He disciplines and flogs every son whom He receives.” 7 If you endure discipline, Elohim is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom a father does not discipline? 8 But if you are without discipline, of which all have become sharers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. 9 Moreover, we indeed had fathers of our flesh disciplining us and we paid them respect. shall we not much rather be subject to the Father of spirits and live? 10For they indeed disciplined us for a few days as seemed best to them, but He does it for our profit, so that we might share His apartness. 

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Jump the Curb -- by T.L. Davis -- T.L.’s Posts and Podcasts We are about to see, if there are any men left to fight.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

As COVID cases and other viruses continue to rise.

Glad you caught that. Caught my attention right away. Just like all the “Covid” headlines from Jan. 2020… and thereafter. It’s psychological manipulation. Always has been, which is why I call it the Majick Covid Spells, Majick Covid Rituals, and Majick Covid Elixirs. After all, as Satan says, Isn’t it written?

Anyhow, it has been well known before the scamdemic that face diapers offer little protection for viruses. And in fact are harmful over long periods of time resulting in viral/bacterial overload for the wearer. After all, your lungs are not only your intake system, but also your exhaust system. And you are not just expelling carbon dioxide.

While not as common as it was, I still see people walking down the sidewalks wearing face diapers. And while not mandatory at Home Depot, I am still seeing young people wearing them.

The Covid is everywhere. The Covid is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see Covid when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel Covid when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes.

267,654,789 Boobus AmeriKanus Retardus are injected with the lab created artificial mRNA that no one really has a clue what was coded/programmed into the Lab Created Artificial mRNA that instructs your natural DNA to perform… whatever action that is “coded/programmed” in the Lab Created Artificial mRNA.

As for those lipid nano-particles that encapsulates the lab created artificial mRNA as the delivery system, it has been well known to cause severe inflammation in high concentrations.

So Steve Bannon says: Brazil… China… The People of these two nations teaching a ‘Master Class’ on Courage… and Democracy. I laughed and told him: If the 267,654,789 Boobus Amerikanus who jabbed themselves rose up tomorrow, they’d all drop dead of a heart attack.

Does anyone really believe that there is hope for Western Man?

And God Has Remembered Her Iniquities

All you have is yourselves, your like minded family, and friends. And maybe some strangers you don’t know yet.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

agree, i do not look to Brazil as a role model.
Have seen people donning their mask throughout. And remember very well those who seemed to climb on board.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

so, I guess that leaves about 60 million of the Non-Boobus Amerikanus Retardus out here as “Pure Bloods.”

2 years ago

New York health director calling for masking once more. Check ZH. Also see Fraud-ci and Congressional testimony where he admitted that he knew masks didn’t work. Or, the clip posting of Wallensky saying masks offer no protection or, read the side panel of the box the masks come in,” Masks offer no protection fron ANY virus!”

Last edited 2 years ago by Kal