London About to Elect Muslim Mayor

Just as western Europe is finally coming to realize the threat Islam poses on their society, the great city of London is about to elect a Muslim mayor.

Representing Britain’s far-left Labour Party, 45-year-old Sadiq Khan currently leads in the polls over his Conservative Party rival Zac Goldsmith by a total of 20-points, 60 to 40 percent.

According to Breitbart London, Khan’s elevation in the polls come just one week after one of his “most prominent backers Ken Livingstone was implicated in a Hitler/anti-Semitism scandal,” but Khan’s extremism goes beyond just hanging out with a few bad apples. Below are just a few of his past exploits highlighted by Raheem Kassam at Breitbart:

In 2001 he was the lawyer for the Nation of Islam in its successful High Court bid to overturn the 15-year-ban on its leader, Louis Farrakhan.

In 2005 and 2006 he visited terror-charged Babar Ahmad in Woodhill Prison. Mr. Ahmed was extradited to the U.S. in 2012, serving time in prison before being returned to the UK in 2015. Mr. Ahmed pleaded guilty to the terrorist offences of conspiracy, and providing material support to the Taliban.

Campaigned for the release and repatriation of Shaker Aamer, Britain’s last Guantanamo detainee, who was returned to the UK in November.


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Tom Angle
8 years ago

It is a shame that the UK went to Hell in a hand basket. It is such a beautiful place to visit.