London Falling

h/t Matt Bracken on GAB

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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

That is what happens after they dis-arm you, you will do as you are told or else. They will try it here; with the illegal army they are importing.

1 year ago

Joe obiden and sodomite bathhouse Barry Obama along with our communist leaders will do the same to our people here at some point. Obiden. and his Democratic nazi Marxist party will try passing laws outlawing the American flag because they will call it hate speech to fly the colors, while every savage culture who they allowed free entry into our nation illegally will fly there own flags from their savage nations they left for a new life in replacing the white majority. The only idiots they will be replacing will be there own nazi party members, it’s a dumb down party with idiots who keep voting themselves into slavery.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phil
Joseph Belding
Joseph Belding
1 year ago

Sadly, this is what happens when the UK, and other European countries first invite, and accept, thousands from middle Eastern countries. There are too many articles online as to how Germany, France, the Scandinavian countries and native populations are in danger, as never before in previous centuries. Oh yes, articles about “visitors” from Africa are being transported, on one way, inflatable boats to dilute, the Irish population
Those, especially from the middle East, have NO intention of assimilating into the centuries old, and accomplished histories of the host countries. Such “visitors” do NOT compromise on their beliefs either, and would fight to the finish of their hosts.
Like the “fundamental transformation of the USA. The truth, which could not be enunciated was, the fundamental destruction of USA, Facts confirm that truth.
Where is Charles Martel when he’s needed ?
