Long Funeral Homes, Short Life Insurers? Ex-Blackrock Fund Manager Discovers Disturbing Trends In Mortality

Four weeks ago, OneAmerica insurance company CEO Scott Davison revealed that they had witnessed ‘the highest death rates in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica’ with a jump of ‘40% over what they were pre-pandemic.‘ Interestingly, Davison noted that the majority of deaths are not classified as due to Covid-19.

The implication to many was clear – that the Covid-19 vaccine is linked to the excess mortality, and months of vaccine injury reports were now spilling over to actuarial data – which is beginning to show, among other things, that younger, working-age people began dying in greater numbers as vaccine mandates hit – for a disease which primarily kills older, non-working age individuals. The counter argument, often presented without evidence, is that the increase is due to people who postponed elective surgeries and other medical treatments during the pandemic.

Ex-Blackrock fund manager Ed Dowd is in the former camp, and has spent the last month analyzing breadcrumbs associated with a rise in excess mortality vs. pre-pandemic levels. Given that we’re now in the middle of earnings season, there are some pretty big crumbs rolling out of the insurance and funeral services industries which are beginning to paint a disturbing picture.

A few key observations:

  • Mortality worsened in 2021 vs. 2020 despite widespread vaccinations
  • A spike in Mortality among younger, working-age individuals coincided with vaccine mandates
  • The spike in younger deaths peaked in Q3 2021 when Covid deaths were extremely low (but rising into the end of September)

On Tuesday, financial insurance company Unum reported that their Life segment saw an increase of 9% in their ratio of payouts vs. premiums (Benefit ratio), a 17.4% increase in 2021 vs. 2020 despite widespread vaccinations, and a 13.3% increase over 2019.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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3 years ago

Gee’s, I wonder what it could be?

tom finley
tom finley
3 years ago

The turn our will and lives over to the care of government crowd are now in grave danger of becoming just another statistic. No going back now, that poison they injected you with is going to maim you for life or kill you. The spike proteins infect every organ in your body and pass the blood brain barrier. Your immune system has been compromised, just like HIV. I pray that God have mercy on you, because the demons that injected you wont.

Surf Nazare
Surf Nazare
3 years ago

Thought I’d drop this info in here—Most know about Vit D but how many are religious taking it and in at least 5000 iu’s/more ?? A study out of Israel Bar Ilan Univ and Galillee Med Ctr. found that Vit D is the key to keeping you healthy against Covid or at least reducing the suffering of it and shortening time of illness. Now Israel is about 80% covered with Jabs/shots/boosters and they are still getting sick so it is a perfect lab situation. Ball is in your court—-make sure the ole folks are getting plenty/extra since exposure to sun is very limited—--Geeze I wonder if there is something about being in Florida—lol—but most avoid the sun—--I remember when they would tell you the sun was bad for you and I would tell any that would listen—-why would G-d create something bad for you or that would kill you—--obviously you can overdo anything—food is good for you BUT and I do mean BIG BUTTS can be a result—

Otis D
Otis D
3 years ago

They’re not getting it in us by jab, so they’re trying to get it in us by food or water, somehow .
I bet that’s what the push for the meat substitutes. They’re talking about GMO’ing it into lettuce.

Elder Son
Elder Son
3 years ago

Once Again, Exuberant Optimism and Doublespeak Are Creating a False Sense of ‘Hope’
White Coat Mafia Tyranny – Dr. Betsy Eads
My Bottom Line on the Existence of the Virus, Its Isolation and Sequencing
Attorneys Reveal a 300% Increase in Miscarriage and Cancer Following COVID Vaccines in the Military

BTW, if you learn how to your search-bar to filter out the “Covid-19” noise by using the custom date range and then dig, you will find that Ivermectin and HQC also work well for the Influenza. Just saying.

And I know that everyone has a hard-on for Dr. Fauci. I don’t blame them. But Dr. Fauci didn’t release a “bio-weapon” intentionally or otherwise. This isn’t the first time they pulled this scamdemic crap. Remember the “2009 deadly H1N1 Swine Flu pandemic”?

When Sharyl Attkisson exposed a phony epidemic; media blackout; CDC and Fauci told a lie the size of an aircraft carrier parked in Times Square

They didn’t need to release and “bio-weapon”. All the The Great Reset Sinophiles of the West with the CCP had to do, was just release some PsyOps video’s out of China (remember those?) and then play on it to the hilt. The sole purpose to sell you the “vaccine”. The “vaccine” is the virus.

Now, about the vaxxed. My entire family and our circle of family friends have ignored the mandates and the face diapering from the very beginning and lived our lives as if none of this exists. And all of us have come out of this unscathed. Then, someone we know started hanging with a 3X vaxxed person. I tried to warn him. Well, that 3X vaxxed person got sick. And this person that we know… got sick. W-I-T-F do you want to hang around a frikkin VIRUS FACTORY?

I will have nothing to do with vaxxed people. They are not allowed in my life.