Looks Like a Terrorist Attack

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12 hours ago

Where the heck was TCAS? (Terminal Collision Avoidance System) Something is way way off about this one.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
12 hours ago

Another (real) False Flag?

12 hours ago

See this visual of the ground tracks where both aircraft were before and leading to the mid air collision: https://x.com/BenGoldey/status/1884798948264566858?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw
Shows helicopter slowly gaining altitude as the jet descends toward Reagan’s runway. Helicopter shown slowly rising in altitude while the landing jet was approaching straight toward the runway losing altitude.
The helicopter pilots cannot see above them while the airline cannot see much below them. They approach the collision point at ninety degrees from each other. The Army helicopter was wrong to enter a controlled airspace without air traffic controller clearance. If the Army Blackhawk helicopter did not have its positioning radio on, then the airliner may not have been able to detect the approaching helicopter because they were both so low to the surface.
It is wild speculation at this point to assign terrorism as a cause when the facts do not at all support such an allegation.

Lori G
Lori G
6 hours ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

If I remember right the Blackhawk has two guys in the front; they should be looking or at least scanning out the window. That helicopter has a pretty good field of view; they can see the airliner if they are looking out the window. They know what runway is in use and that airliners will be making constant approaches to that runway. That airliner is lit up like. a Christmas tree. I get the airliner might not register that they are there, but the helicopter? Are they recruiting Stevie Wonders now?

Sometimes air traffic control does drop the ball, but that is no excuse. Back in the 1980’s I was wingman in a flight of 2 A-7’s off the coast of LA; we had just pulled up from a 60 degree dive simulating an attack on a Navy ship. As soon as I joined up, my lead did a barrel roll and I stayed on his wing; as we went over the top inverted I saw why he did it; a large airliner was directly in our path. ATC had said nothing. Pilots simply have to look out the window.

Pastor Guest
Pastor Guest
4 hours ago
Reply to  173dVietVet

I believe you are correct.

CTR Wolfman
CTR Wolfman
6 hours ago

“Looks Like a Terrorist Attack,” yup! Or a helicopter pilot decides to take off and fly right into a well known “approach glide path” of a major airpoty for kicks.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
5 hours ago
Reply to  CTR Wolfman

Yeah, that angle just doesn’t make sense.
If we accept the premise that it was an attack, what Army (Nat Guard?) Pilot would take such action? Why an Embrarier commuter jet, why not an Airbus w/300 ppl? Doesn’t add up. I say Occam’s razor -- just a fuckup. The great enshittening effects all industries. ATC’s too.

5 hours ago

who was on the plane?

1 hour ago
Reply to  maddog2u

Russian ice skaters

4 hours ago

Having flown nights (medevac helo) for 10 yrs, city lights can certainly be distracting. Situational awareness (or lack thereof) can be a beetch…. Most of out flights were 500′-1000′. MOST people “believe” they live in a 3D world….. not true…. Aviation is the TRUE 3D world, and any issues introduces one to the 3rd dimension (height or altitude)

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
4 hours ago

Just came across this. Not saying this is what happened, but it cannot be ruled out entirely.

3 hours ago
Reply to  Green Hornet

Was just about to say the same thing. It’s possible there wasn’t a pilot at all.

3 hours ago

Muslim major screamed ‘Allahu Akbar’ before slaughtering 13 at Ft. Hood

Might have been “nothing”.

Might have been terrorism.

But what little I know about standard operating procedures they Army Helo was not in compliance flying in known landing-take off zones.

As others have noted wasn’t looking out the windows to ADVOID TROUBLE…

10 minutes ago

Unrelated, but speaking of terrorism….another chicken processing plant burned in SC last night….