38 Republicans voted no on the CR bill. 9 house Republicans did not vote. The bill did not pass. Looks like we have a government shutdown, folks.
— Sassafrass84 (@Sassafrass_84) December 20, 2024
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Now if they would all just go home and on the way out, turn off all the lights.
Praise Baby Jesus! The 535 worthless excuses for “representative government” should all go home.
And stay there. I would take my chances--on any day--with a newly-formed local government with a decent sheriff at the helm.
Could we do any worse than where we find ourselves today?
Elon Musk and AI programs that could read the whole bill and highlight all the wasteful partisan spending made voting for this abomination politically risky for a lot of RINOs who would have otherwise voted for this garbage.
Yay!!! About time. Burn it all to the ground. But y’all know that all those worthless gov workers will get back pay once a budget is approved, right? Gonna get paid for sitting on their asses like they normally do.
I would hope that the Speaker would refuse to adjourn Congress until there is a bill acceptable to the people agreed and passed to the Senate. Since ‘everyone knows’ the Senate will break and a supermajority would be needed to defeat the presidential veto, most dems and Rinos would just go home. As long as a quorum remains, Congress could pass a bill that looks like what the American people would want -- a balanced budget. As a lesson in appropriate governance, in itself that would be worthwhile.
Just looked it up -- there are 27 (!) vacancies in the House at the moment, so only 308 sitting reps, a constitutional quorum would therefore be 154 reps present. Passage needs simple majority of those present -- so minimum 78 yes votes could get a balanced budget passed. Even if passage of such a bill would only be symbolic, it would give a big boost to the Republican party in the eyes of the people. Wishful thinking time over….
No, passage requires a supermajority of 2/3rds, because its a continuing resolution, not a regular bill. Hence why they can’t ram in through. There’s enough RINO’s they could pass it if they only needed 51%.
Thanks for the clarification. I was thinking the supermajority was because it would need to overcome a presidential veto -- but it’s the CR rules that are the issue. Got it.
Great news, go home and slither back into the hole in the ground you came out of.
Their greatest fear; The gov can shut down and we won’t feel a thing. Because we don’t need 80% of it to begin with.
80%? I think you’re aiming a bit low with hat figure. But it’s be a good start.
A very short Breitbart article today gives some figures on the last shutdown:
Would that it were PERMANENT!
The only things they shut down during government shutdowns are things that make American’s lives more enjoyable, like National Parks, forests, and monuments.
Not going to approve our pork? Then we’ll make life as miserable as we can for you!
More than one government may shut down. Iran just cut off all oil to Syria. Syria was getting 90% of their oil from Iran. Refugees. I see millions of refugees. Russia is about to shut down one of their pipelines into Europe. Europe is already hurting for energy. The UK is rationing heating oil already. Cold winters without heat makes for angry citizens. Keep an eye on that stuff.
There’s not a single thing they could do that’d be more beneficial to America than shut down.