They loot rape, and pillage not because they are in need of essentials – they loot out of hatred and a desire for ‘exciting recreation’.
They loot rape, and pillage not because they are in need of essentials – they loot out of hatred and a desire for ‘exciting recreation’.
First of all I believe these “people” are the ones that want “respect”?
Next thing is, where are their great black leaders that say it is the “white man” that is racially motivated when they do things.
Third, Please come to my house to do your looting. I am one of those white guys that does fight, I have no issues shooting “niggas”, gang bangers, low lifes, rapists, looters, theifs, robbers, degenerates, drug addicts, drug dealers, traspassers and any one else that believes what I have is “owed” to them.
Bring as many of your friends that you can. Don’t bother getting out of the cars. Get as many of you as you can in those cars sitting side by side. When the bullet passes through you all that are lined up you will be doing the country your last service by not spending the justice systems money and the jail over crowding will not be burdened.
Where is the black leaders condemning this thpe of action? Where is the Civil Liberties Union? WHere is the president? WHere are the police? Most of all where are these peoples dead bodies?